XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Baby bottle maker says microplastics inescapable, health risks unproven, in bid to toss lawsuit

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By Diana Novak Jones

Sept 9 (Reuters) -Handi-Craft Co on Friday pushed back against claims that the company failed to warn parents that their plastic baby bottles leach microplastics when heated, arguing in part that microplastics are ubiquitous and their health effects are unproven.

Handi-Craft and another baby bottle maker, Philips North America, are each facing proposed class actions claiming they failed to warn parents that the polypropylene bottles and cups sold under the brands Philips Avent and Handi-Craft’s Dr. Brown's, when heated as part of regular use, could expose infants to tiny flecks of plastic that can interfere with their digestive, reproductive and immune systems. Both companies have moved to dismiss the claims against them.

In its motion to dismiss, Handi-Craft argued that the consumers suing hadn’t dealt with “the intractable problem of assigning liability when microplastics are so ubiquitous and ‘inescapable’ that humans constantly ingest and inhale them from countless sources.”

The attorneys representing the consumers did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Neither did representatives of Philips North America or Handi-Craft Company.

The consumers, who are California residents, filed the parallel lawsuits against Philips and Handi-Craft in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California in June. The plaintiffs, who hope to represent both classes covering California purchasers and nationwide purchasers of the products, are seeking damages and an injunction barring the sale of the products and marketing that implies they are safe.

In its motion to dismiss, filed on Sept. 3, Philips argued that the plaintiffs had failed to quantify how many microplastics the bottles supposedly leach or whether that amount could be dangerous.

Handi-Craft is also asking the judge overseeing its case to strike some of the claims for the nationwide class, arguing in part that state laws governing consumer products are too different for them to proceed as a nationwide class.

The cases are Miller et al v. Philips North America LLC, case number 3:24-cv-03781, and Cortez et al v. Handi-Craft Company Inc, case number 4:24-cv-03782, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.

For the plaintiffs: Ryan Clarkson, Bahar Sodaify, Kelsey Elling and Alan Gudino of the Clarkson Law Firm.

For Philips: Cortlin Lannin, Megan Rodgers and Raymond Lu of Covington & Burling.

For Handi-Craft: IJay Palansky, Stephen Siegel, Yvette Mishev, Elizabeth Wolicki and Jack Butz of Armstrong Teasdale and Dana Finberg of O’Hagan Meyer.

Reporting by Diana Jones


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