XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Australia, NZ dollars edge up after three straight weeks of declines

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SYDNEY, Oct 21 (Reuters) -The Australia and New Zealand dollars edged higher on Monday after three straight weeks of declines, although movements this week are expected to be mostly rangebound in the absence of major economic data at home and abroad.

The Aussie AUD=D3 rose 0.1% to $0.6713, having finished last week 0.7% lower after falling as far as $0.6660. It has support at $0.6660 and $0.6622 while resistance lies at $0.6793.

The kiwi dollar NZD=D3 gained 0.2% to $0.6079 after falling 0.6% last week to as low as $0.6041. It still faces resistance at the 200-day moving average of $0.6082.

The two have been under pressure as markets pared expectations for aggressive U.S. easing in light of strong data and rising odds of a Donald Trump victory in the presidential election. Tensions in the Middle East and disappointment over China's stimulus are also factors.

Beijing's decision to cut the loan prime rate had been well-flagged, but Chinese stocks gained, providing some direction for the Aussie.

"True to form the AUD continues to show its sensitivity to risk aversion," said Rodrigo Catril, senior FX strategist at National Australia Bank. "But worth noting that the macro backdrop is still saying the AUD should be trading higher with AU-US rate spreads supportive."

"Meanwhile Chinese policymakers are now showing a greater a level of urgency to support their economy, if so the end of 2024 could come alongside a stronger global economic backdrop, supporting our end of the year AUD/USD forecast of 69c," he added.

Markets do not see rates coming down in Australia until April next year, with a total easing of 65 basis points priced in for all of 2025. In the U.S., traders expect a total of 150 bps in rate cuts next year. FEDWATCH, 0#RBAWATCH

10-year Australian bonds AU10YT=RR yielded 4.287%, some 20 basis points higher than their Treasury counterparts.

Andrew Hauser, deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, said on Monday he has been surprised at the strength of the labour market, but policymakers are not obsessed about one data point.

Across the Tasman Sea, there is a real chance the Reserve Bank of New Zealand could cut by 75 basis points at its next meeting in November, with swaps pricing in a 20% probability of such a move.

Traders are awaiting a speech from the RBNZ Governor Adrian Orr on Thursday morning to see if there is any guidance about the size of the next cut.

Reporting by Stella Qiu; Editing by Jamie Freed


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