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Daily Market Comment – Stocks crash, oil surges as Russia attacks Ukraine

Markets in turmoil after Putin launches military assault on Ukraine Stocks tank, rouble plummets, while gold, oil and gas futures jump Dollar, yen and franc only gainers in FX sphere Fears of full-scale invasion as Ukraine crisis deepens Traders in Europe and around the world woke up to a dark day on Thursday after Russia’s latest actions confirmed the West’s worst fears about Ukraine.

Daily Market Comment – Stocks plunge, oil surges as Russian troops enter breakaway regions

Escalating conflict in Ukraine ravages risk assets as stocks sink, Russian rouble tumbles Oil and metal prices soar on supply fears but gold stumbles FX markets relatively steady as Fed policy uncertainty holds dollar in tight range Equities tank as Russia, Ukraine on the brink of war Global stock markets sank deep into the red on Tuesday, extending Monday’s losses, with US equities likely joining the selloff today when Wall Street traders return from a long holiday weekend.



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