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Why are Bangladesh students protesting against job quotas?

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Updates with Supreme Court verdict

By Sudipto Ganguly

July 21 (Reuters) - Bangladesh's Supreme Court on Sunday scrapped most of the quotas on government jobs that had sparked nationwide protests by students that have killed at least 139 people in recent days.

Here are details of the protests and their history:


The demonstrations started last month after the High Court reinstated a quota system for government jobs, overturning a 2018 decision by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's government to scrap it.

That move, which covered the 30% of jobs reserved for family members of freedom fighters in the 1971 war for independence from Pakistan, followed similar student protests.

But the Supreme Court suspended the high court order after the government's appeal. On Sunday it dismissed the lower court order and directed that 93% of jobs should be open to candidates on merit.

The court reserved 5% of jobs for family members of independence fighters and 2% for people from so-called backward groups and the disabled.

The students had steppedup their protest whenHasina refused to meet their demands, citing the court proceedings.

She called the protesters "razakar", an offensive term for those accused of collaborating with Pakistan's army in 1971 to betray the country.


Introduced in 1972, Bangladesh's quota system has gone through several changes since. When it was abolished in 2018, 56% of government jobs were blocked under various quotas.

The bulk covered groups such as freedom fighters' families, with women and those from underdeveloped districts receiving a share of a tenth each, with 5% allotted to indigenous communities, and 1% for the disabled.

The protesting students want all categories abolished, except the last two.


The protests turned violent last week following clashes between thousands of anti-quota demonstrators and members of the student wing of Hasina's Awami League party. Police fired rubber bullets and hurled sound grenades and tear gas to scatter protesters who also blocked railway tracks and major roads.


Hasina is the daughter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founding father of Bangladesh, who led its freedom movement. Protesters and critics say the 30% quota for families of freedom fighters favours Awami League supporters, which led the independence fight.

Experts also attribute the unrest to stagnant job growth in the private sector, making public sector jobs, with their accompanying regular wage hikes and privileges, very attractive.

The quotas shrink the number of government jobs open for all, hurting aspirants who want them filled on the basis of merit.

They have sparked anger among students grappling with high youth unemployment, as nearly 32 million young people are out of work or education in apopulation of 170 million.

The economy, once among the world's fastest growing, has stagnated, inflation hovers around 10% and dollar reserves are shrinking.


The protests are the first challenge to Hasina's government since she won a fourth consecutive term in January in elections boycotted by the main opposition. She has condemned the loss of lives and called for patience ahead of theSupreme Court's verdict.

Reporting by Sudipto Ganguly; Additional reporting by Ruma Paul in Dhaka; Editing by YP Rajesh, Clarence Fernandez and Giles Elgood


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