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Weak state of emerging currencies may spur risk aversion

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July 3 (Reuters) -The weak state of emerging market currencies may spur risk aversion, which boosts demand for the dollar and could drive these less liquid currencies down further and faster.

In the past, similar slumps in these currencies have been the result of a crisis, though that is not the case today.

This is worrying, as moves that unfold under normal conditions are likely to be sustained, and if these huge moves are going unnoticed, or are being ignored, it is unlikely that traders are prepared for them, and the potentially significant affect they could have on other markets should they result in risk averse reactions.

Equity markets have certainly attracted attention. Their massive gains this year have fuelled gambling, which has boosted demand for carry trades in FX markets. This has intensified demand for the dollar driving it higher, but it has also supported much riskier carry trades that involve buying emerging currencies that are backed by interest rates above those in the United States.

These trades could blow-up if the dollar continues to rise, and because the currencies involved are much less liquid than the greenback, moves could be dramatic.

The USD/MXN surge from 17.0670 to 18.2520 on April 19 is a good example of how fast moves can happen, and it occurred when traders were confident in their positions and not running scared.

Flash crashes like those seen on multiple occasions for Turkey's lira could happen for other emerging currencies if they drop into uncharted territory with the resulting flight to safety triggering far more demand for dollars.

For more click on FXBUZ

CNH and extreme weakness of other Asia currencies https://tmsnrt.rs/3KYuE9S

(Jeremy Boulton is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his own)


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