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Tecnicas Reunidas expects net profit to nearly triple by 2026

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May 23 (Reuters) -Spain's Tecnicas Reunidas TRE.MC expects its net profit to surpass 160 million euros ($173.22 million) in 2026 compared to 60 million euros in 2023, it said on Thursday, citing rising demand for its engineering services.

The company, which specialises in designing and building petrochemical and gas infrastructure, turned to profit in 2023 after suffering severe blows in 2021 and 2022 as the COVID pandemic and the war in Ukraine led to a slowdown in energy investment.

It maintained earlier this month its full-year 2024 guidance calling for sales "in the range of 4.5 billion euros" and an earnings before interest and taxes margin of 4%.

"The portfolio, balance sheet and income statement are proof of the normalisation of our business after the effects of COVID and the war in Ukraine," CEO Juan Llado said in a statement.

In its new strategic plan presented in Abu Dhabi on Thursday, Tecnicas Reunidas said it will create a unit to drive the engineering and project management services business and to expand its presence in North America with a focus on decarbonisation.

The company seeks to position itself as a supplier of low-emission technologies, which represented only 5% of its total portfolio last year. Tecnicas Reunidas still mainly depends on natural gas and petrochemical services.

It also sees in 2028 total sales in excess of 5 billion euros compared to 4.13 billion euros in 2023, with about 10% of that coming from its engineering and services business.

The Spanish firm also expects its earnings before interest and taxes margin to double to around 8% in four years.

Following the recovery of its business, the company is planning to repay its debt in 2026 and to distribute dividends again, with an estimated payout of 30% in the same year.

($1 = 0.9237 euros)

Reporting by Matteo Allievi; Editing by Inti Landauro and Muralikumar Anantharaman


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