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Sweden's Vattenfall shortlists Rolls-Royce, GE Hitachi for small nuclear reactors

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OSLO, June 12 (Reuters) -Sweden's Vattenfall has shortlisted Britain's Rolls-Royce SMR and U.S. group GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy for the potential construction of small modular reactors, the state-owned utility said on Wednesday.

Vattenfall considers building SMRs next to the company's existing nuclear power plant at Ringhals in Sweden.

"In parallel, Vattenfall is continuing to investigate the conditions for building large-scale reactors on the site," the company said in a statement.

Suppliers included in the evaluation of large-scale reactors are U.S. group Westinghouse, French EDF and South Korea's KHNP, Vattenfall added.

The Swedish government has said it wants a large build out of nuclear power by 2045 to help meet surging demand for power from sources that do not contribute to global warming.

Any new reactor would only become operational in the first half of the 2030s at the earliest, according to the utility.

"Regardless of whether we choose small modular reactors or large-scale reactors, a future investment decision will, among other things, require a reasonable risk-sharing model with the state," Vattenfall said.

"This is necessary to lower financing costs and thereby enable a reasonable cost for electricity production that customers are prepared to pay."

Reporting by Terje Solsvik, editing by Anna Ringstrom


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