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Scannapieco wins second term as head of Italy's state lender CDP

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ROME, July 15 (Reuters) -The Italian government appointed Dario Scannapieco on Monday for a second term as chief executive of the state lender Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP).

Founded 173 years ago, the CDP plays a key role in keeping strategic assets in national hands. Its equity portfolio includes energy group Eni ENI.MI, motorway operator Autostrade per l'Italia (ASPI) and shipbuilder Fincantieri FCT.MI.

The state lender also helps the government implement the country's EU post-COVID Recovery Plan, under which Italy is due to receive a total of around 194 billion euros ($211.77 billion) in grants and cheap loans over six years through 2026.

Scannapieco, 56, got the nod to continue from Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni despite objections from key figures within her government, who had backed alternative candidates, political sources said.

He was European Investment Bank (EIB) vice president before Meloni's predecessor Mario Draghi appointed him to the helm of the CDP in June 2021.

Giovanni Gorno Tempini was re-appointed as CDP chairman.

The nominations were expected to take place in May but were repeatedly postponed partly due to political divisions over the composition of the CDP board of directors.

The government decided to increase the number of board members to 11 from 9 to incorporate nominations from the ruling parties, which put forward mostly men, while maintaining at least 40% women directors, the sources added.

Among the women newcomers are lawyer Valentina Milani and Flavia Mazzarella, former chairman of the lender BPER Banca EMII.MI.

CDP, which invests savings made by Italians through the national post office network Poste Italiane PST.MI, is a strategic industrial policy tool for the government as its debt is not booked as part of Italy's mammoth public debt-pile.

($1 = 0.9161 euros)

Reporting by Giuseppe Fonte, editing by Gavin Jones


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