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Saipem wins contract for subsea services on Libya-Italy pipeline

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MILAN, July 18 (Reuters) -Saipem SPMI.MI has been awarded a contract to provide supervision and subsea intervention services for the gas pipeline between Italy and Libya, the Italian energy contractor said on Thursday.

The contract covers the management of survey data and critical spare parts, the provision of engineering services related to asset integrity and potential repairs in the event of damages, Saipem said in a statement.

Interventions will be performed via a remotely operated repair system, which is able to operate in water depths of up to 2,200 meters.


The pipeline called GreenStream, which is the longest in the Mediterranean Sea, is a key connection between Italy and North Africa and its integrity has become more important for Rome's energy security after fuel coming via pipeline to Italy from Russia dropped to almost zero last year.


The 516-kilometre long GreenStream connects the Mellitah compression station on the Libyan coast with the receiving terminal in Gela, Sicily, where Libyan gas arrives from two fields. The first, Bahr Essalam, offshore 110-km from the Libyan coast and the second, Wafa, located in the Libyan desert near the border with Algeria.

Reporting by Francesca Landini
Editing by Keith Weir


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