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Russian company IPOs in 2024

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MOSCOW, June 4 (Reuters) -A handful of Russian companies have held small initial public offerings (IPO) in Moscow this year.

Listings in late 2023 and early 2024 have sparked some life into Russia's moribund equity capital markets after an exodus of Western capital since the start of the conflict in Ukraine.

Eight companies held IPOs in 2023, raising almost 41 billion roubles ($461.3 million) in listings dominated by Russian retail investors.

Here are the Russian IPOs that have taken place in 2024:

- Car-sharing service Delimobil DELI.MM raised 4.2 billion roubles in an IPO on the Moscow Exchange MOEX.MM in early February.

- IT company Diasoft DIAS.MM raised 4.14 billion roubles in a mid-February IPO with a free float of 8% and a market capitalisation of 47.25 billion roubles.

- Spirits producer Kristall KLVZ.MM raised 1.15 billion roubles in late February.

- Car leasing service EuroPlan LEAS.MM on Friday raised 13.1 billion roubles in an IPO that gave the company a market capitalisation of 105 billion roubles. Free float amounted to 12.5%.

- Microfinance company Zaimer raised about 3.5 billion roubles for the free float of 15% of the business in an April IPO.

- Technology company Astra ASTR.MM, which raised 3.5 billion roubles from an IPO in October 2023, raised an additional 11.7 billion roubles in a secondary public offering (SPO) in April.

- MTS Bank MBNK.MM, the fintech arm of Russia's leading mobile phone operator MTS MTSS.MM, on Friday raised 11.5 billion roubles in an IPO.

- Element ELMT.SBX, one of Russia's largest electronics manufacturers, raised 15 billion roubles in an IPO on the SPB Exchange in May.

- IVA Technologies IVAT.MM, a corporate communications provider, raised 3.3 billion roubles in a Moscow listing on June 4, with a free float of 11%.

($1 = 88.8875 roubles)

Compiled by Olga Popova and Alexander Marrow
Editing by David Goodman


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