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RBC sees lower allowed costs for Italian utilities, cuts Italgas

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** RBC cuts its 2025 estimates on allowed cost of capital of Italian utilities and downgrades YTD "best performer" Italgas IG.MI to "sector perform" from "outperform", saying the group lacks clear catalysts and faces potential downside risks

** The broker sees a yearly drop in allowed weighted average cost of capital (WACC) in 2025 of 0.60% for Europe's largest gas distributor, and expects a decrease of 0.50% for other Italian utilities Enel ENEI.MI, Snam SRG.MI and Terna TRN.MI

** It says the decrease in Italgas' allowed WACC to 5.90% will negatively impact EBITDA by 3% and EPS by about 6% in 2025 vs previous estimates, with further risks driven by the expiration of its Rome concession

** RBC raises Snam to "outperform" from "sector perform" saying its recent underperformance offers the best premium to the regulatory asset base (RAB), but lowers the stock's PT by 7% to 5 euros

** It says the recovery in Italian hydro and higher supply results should be enough for Enel to offset the slight miss it expects in FY24 at majority-owned Endesa ELE.MC, but stays "dubious about medium-term guidance"

Reporting by Alessandro Parodi


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