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Poland - Factors to Watch June 18

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WARSAW, June 18 -The following are news stories, press reports and events that may affect Poland's financial markets on Tuesday. ALL TIMES GMT (Poland: GMT + 2 hours):


May brought stabilization in the prices of new apartments in some of Poland's largest cities, with the average price in Warsaw unchanged for the second month in a row at almost 17,600 zlotys ($4,340.53) per square meter, according to data from BIG DATA RynekPierwotny.pl cited by Rzeczpospolita daily.

June brought a further cooling in demand for apartments, according to data from Otodom Analytics cited by Parket daily.


Estonian politicians would be happy to see Luminor bank in the hands of a Polish financial institution and an offer was sent to insurer PZU PZU.WA, which sent it to its Bank Pekao PEO.WA, while Hungarian bank OTP OTPB.BU and the Austrian Erste Bank ERST.VI are also interested in purchasing it, Puls Biznesu daily reported.


Talks on signing a contract for preparing a feasibility study for the Konin-Patnów nuclear project are in the final stage, Dong Ho Son, director Korean KHNP's office in Poland told Parkiet daily.


Preparatory works for the expansion of the Modlin airport terminal will begin in the fall, and actual works are scheduled to start in early 2025, with the airport's capacity expected to increase to 6.5-7 million passengers per year within three years, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily reported.


Two years after Russia's aggression against Ukraine, Poles' positive attitude towards their eastern neighbor and the help provided to them is waning, according to the study "Social perception of refugees from Ukraine, migrants and actions taken by the Polish and Ukrainian state", Rzeczpospolita daily reported.

****Reuters has not verified stories reported by Polish media and does not vouch for their accuracy.****

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($1 = 4.0548 zlotys)

Reporting by Warsaw Bureau


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