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North Sea Crude-Sverdrup firms, WTI weakens

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LONDON, Sept 4 (Reuters) -U.S. WTI Midland crude differentials were stable on Wednesday as offer levels in the Platts window were higher than in the previous session, while Norwegian Johan Sverdrup traded higher.


* Indications are on a free-on-board (FOB) basis unless marked as cost, insurance and freight (CIF) or delivered at place (DAP).

* WTI Midland: Chevron offered a cargo with Sep. 28 - Oct. 2 dates at dated Brent plus $2.30 CIF Rotterdam.

* The offer equated to around around dated plus $1.41 on a FOB basis, Reuters calculations showed.

* WTI Midland: Trafigura offered a cargo with Sep. 17-22 dates at dated plus $2.40 CIF Rotterdam.

* On Tuesday, BP offered Sept. 30-Oct. 4 at dated Brent plus $2.15 CIF Rotterdam, or dated plus $1.24 FOB according to Reuters calculations.

* Johan Sverdrup: Equinor sold an Oct. 3-5 cargo from BP at dated flat FOB Mongstad.

* Sverdrup was last in the window on Aug. 29, when BP bid for Sept. 15-21 at dated minus 35 cents.

* Sverdrup is not one of the grades in the dated Brent basket.

* There were no fresh prices discussions on Ekofisk on Wednesday, after Shell offered Oct. 2-4 at dated Brent plus $2.55 on Tuesday without finding a buyer.

* WTI remained the cheapest grade underpinning the benchmark on Monday, even after the drop in Ekofisk.

Reporting by Robert Harvey; Editing by Tasim Zahid

 NORTH SEA CRUDE OIL DIFFERENTIALS AND OUTRIGHT PRICES: 0#BFO-DIF 0#C-E Dated BFO BFO- Brent BFO-BRT BFO-E Forties BFO-FOT FOT-E Oseberg BFO-OSE OSE-E Ekofisk BFO-EKO EKO-E Monthly North Sea crude loading programmes O/LOAD OPEC OPEC NSEA North Sea CRU crude oil PROD oil products DRV derivatives PRO/E European products OILOIL NYMOIL, IPEOIL, OILSPD, OILARB CRDWLDPRODEUR, PRODUS, APROD ENERGY energy speed guide CRUDE/1 crude speed guide

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