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North Korea vows 'total destruction' of enemy on Korean War anniversary

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SEOUL, July 28 (Reuters) -North Korea vowed to "totally destroy" its enemies in case of war when leader Kim Jong Un gives an order, state media KCNA reported on Sunday.

Senior military officials including Army Colonel Ri Un Ryong and Navy Lieutenant Commander Yu Kyong Song made the comments "out of surging hatred" towards the U.S. and South Korea at a meeting on Saturday attended by Kim to celebrate the 71st Korean War armistice anniversary, according to KCNA.

North Korea and the United States do not have diplomatic ties and talks over reducing tensions and denuclearising North Korea have been stalled since 2019. North Korea's state media recently said it doesn't expect that to change no matter who is next elected in the White House.

While accusing the U.S. and South Korea of "being hell-bent on provoking a nuclear war," the military officials vowed to strengthen war efficiency to stage an "overwhelming attack on the enemy anytime and without delay and totally destroy them once the respected Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un gives an order."

North Korea signed an armistice agreement with the United States and China on July 27, 1953 ending hostilities in the three-year war. U.S. generals signed the agreement representing the United Nations forces that backed South Korea.

North Korea calls July 27 "Victory Day" while South Korea does not mark the day with any major events.

Hostilities ended with a truce, not a treaty, meaning the two sides are still technically at war.

Reporting by Hyunsu Yim;
Editing by Sandra Maler


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