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Modest USD/JPY bounce does not alleviate downside risks

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July 18 (Reuters) -A modest bounce for USD/JPY in what has been a subdued session, though price action remains jittery, emphasized by the short-lived drop to 155.38 overnight. However, despite the rebound back above 156, with USD/JPY holding below its 55DMA (157.66), the door is still open for a test of key support at 155-155.10 (100DMA).

While the divergence between USD/JPY and the U.S. 10-year yield suggests that risks are tilted to the downside, keep in mind that this divergence had lasted for some time before USD/JPY took note.

The difference now is that volatility has picked up as of late with the VIX at the highest level since May. On the other hand, U.S. stocks have come under pressure, resulting in a shakeout of carry trades with yen shorts feeling the squeeze.

That said, for USD/JPY to realign with the U.S. 10-year yield, a continuation of the moves in equities and the VIX would be needed. Although, should equities and the VIX reverse recent moves, this will likely provide a boost for dip buyers. Meanwhile, on the technical front, a daily close above its 55DMA would also be enough to alleviate downside risks for USD/JPY.

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(Justin McQueen is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his own.)


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