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Malaysia opens anti-dumping probe on iron, steel imports from 4 countries

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KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 15 (Reuters) -Malaysia has begun an anti-dumping duty investigation of imports of flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel originating or exported from China, India, Japan and South Korea, its trade ministry said on Thursday.

The investigation was initiated following a petition by a domestic producer that the ministry said was received on July 15.

The petitioner alleged imports of flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 milimetres or more, and clad, plated or coated with tin, were being sold well below the domestic price in the four countries, the ministry said.

The complaint also alleged that the dumped imports from China, India, Japan and South Korea had increased in absolute quantity and caused material injury to the domestic industry.

A preliminary finding will be made within 120 days from the start of the investigation, the ministry said, without specifying when it began its probe.

If the investigation upholds the complaint, the ministry said a provisional anti-dumping duty would be imposed at the rate needed to prevent further harm to the domestic industry.

Reporting by Danial Azhar; Editing by Kim Coghill and John Mair


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