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Major tech firms develop AI networking standard but without major player Nvidia

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May 30 (Reuters) -Major tech firms, including Meta META.O, Microsoft MSFT.O, Advanced Micro Devices AMD.O and Broadcom AVGO.O,said on Thursday they have developed a new industry standard for networking in AI data centers, the latest effort to break the dominance of market leaderNvidia NVDA.O.

The "Ultra Accelerator Link," is an attemptto establishan open standard for communication between artificial intelligence accelerators - systems thatcan help process the vast amounts of data employed in AI tasks.

Other members of the grouping include Alphabet-owned Google GOOGL.O, Cisco System CSCO.O, Hewlett Packard Enterprise HPE.N and Intel INTC.O.


Nvidia, the biggest player in the AI chip market with a share of around 80%, is not part of the grouping.

Tech giants like Google and Meta are keen to reduce their dependence onNvidia, whose networking business forms an essential part of the package that enables its AI dominance.

Broadcom's central rival in the networking and custom chip market - Marvell Technologies MRVL.O, is not part of the grouping.


"An industry specification becomes critical to standardize the interface for AI and Machine Learning, HPC (high-performance computing), and Cloud applications for the next generation of AI data centers and implementations," the companies said in a statement.


Tech companies are pouring billions of dollars into the hardware required to support AI applications, boosting demand for AI data centers and the chips that they run on.

The Ultra Accelerator Link group has designed specifications governing connections among different accelerators in a data center.

The specificationswill be available in the third quarter of 2024 to companies that join the Ultra Accelerator Link (UALink) Consortium.


Nvidia and Marvell did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

Reporting by Arsheeya Bajwa in Bengaluru; Editing by Tasim Zahid


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