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Italy - Factors to watch on May 3

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The following factors could affect Italian markets on Friday.

Reuters has not verified the newspaper reports, and cannot vouch for their accuracy. New items are marked with (*).

For a complete list of diary events in Italy please click on IT/DIA.


The Italian government is working with the EuropeanUnion to ensure that the bloc's firms hit by Russian sanctions are compensated for the damage they have suffered, it said on Thursday.

The Italian government is set to unveil a new military aid package for Ukraine ahead of the G7 summit in June, Repubblica reported citing government sources. It could include the Samp-T air defence system, the newspaper added.


The European Union, which is set to invoke its deficit reduction procedure against Rome, will ask Italy to adjust its public finances by at least eight billion euros, exceeding the Treasury's expectations, the daily La Stampa reported on Friday.

Ratings agency Fitch reviews Italy sovereign rating, which currently stands at BBB with a stable outlook.

Statistics bureau ISTAT issues jobs data for March (0800 GMT)


Italy posted a state sector budget deficit of 18.1 billion euros in April compared to a shortfall of 11.8 billion euros in the same month last year, the Treasury said in a statement on Thursday.

The Treasury will announce the minimum guaranteed coupons on Friday for its BTP Valore 6-year retail bond to be offered from May 6-10.



The energy group will ask shareholders to renew its authorisation to buy back up to 500 million shares for up to 2 billion euros, daily MF reported on Friday, citing the agenda for the May 23 annual general meeting (AGM).


The luxury sports car maker unveiled on Thursday two new models, the 12Cilindri and the 12Cilindri Spider, appealing to lovers of its most powerful roaring petrol engines.


The construction company has proposed a project to rebuild a bridge in Baltimore, Maryland, which collapsed in March, the group said on Friday in a letter sent by the CEO Pietro Salini to the U.S. Transportation Secretary.


Barclays on Friday initiated coverage of the company with an 'overweight' rating and a target price of 58 euros


Italy's largest bank reports Q1 results, followed by conference call with analysts.


Italy's car sales rose 7.5% in April compared with the same month last year, the transport ministry reported on Thursday.

Stellantis held 31.3% of the Italian market.


The Italian asset manager said on Thursday it had completed its acquisition of smaller rival Kairos Partners from Julius Baer.


PM Giorgia Meloni visits army festival to celebrate 163 years since the nation's armed forces were constituted. (0900 GMT)

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