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Italy - Factors to watch on July 8

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The following factors could affect Italian markets on Monday.

Reuters has not verified the newspaper reports, and cannot vouch for their accuracy. New items are marked with (*).

For a complete list of diary events in Italy please click on IT/DIA.


Spanish far-right party Vox has quit Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group in the European Parliament to join a new alliance led by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. League leader Matteo Salvini has said he might leave the Identity and Democracy group in the EU assembly and also hook up with Orban.


Italy's Industry Minister Adolfo Urso said that during his recent visit to China he met six large Chinese firms interested in producing in Europe in the car, the electric bus and wind farm sectors, speaking in an interview with Milano Finanza published Saturday.

Urso added that on top of the 1 billion euros already allocated to promote start ups in the artificial intelligence sector, the government would find "further resources, where necessary".


Treasury announces sale of BTP bonds, with relative amounts to be auctioned on July 11.



The government is still waiting to hear from the carmaker its investment plans to boost its car production in Italy, Industry Minister Adolfo Urso told la Repubblica in an interview published on Sunday.


Jefferies on Monday raised its rating on the asset manager to "Buy" from "Hold" and the target price to 16.30 euros from 12.60 euros.


Italian truck and bus maker defence unit IDV signed on Friday a contract with the Brazilian army to supply 420 Light Multirole Vehicles for 1.4 billion reais ($255.8 million).


With the acquisition of Encore Wire WIRE.SBX, 55-60% of the group's profitability will come from the United States, the CEO of the world's largest cablemaker Massimo Battaini said in an interview with la Repubblica's Affari & Finanza supplement.

Battaini said he was not worried by debt increasing to 5.1 billion euros as a result of the deal and confirmed that a new industrial plan will be presented by March 2025.


The Ferragamo family, which through its holding owns 54.8% of the group, "has a long term commitment" towards the company, chairman Leonardo Ferragamo was quoted as saying by L'Economia-Corriere della Sera on Monday, referring to possible interest by large luxury conglomerates towards the Florence-based group. He added that the stock market listing of the group "was and is a positive instrument both for the company and for the family".


A resolution adopted by the European Space Agency (ESA) regarding European launch services access to space set the conditions for the ESA-developed Vega launcher to be commercialised by Avio, which is its prime contractor, the aerospace company said in a statement on Friday.


The group said on Saturday it had been awarded a concession by the Algerian government to reclaim 36,000 hectares of land for agricultural use as part of the Italian government's "Mattei Plan" for Africa.

The project will create 6,000 permanent and 6,500 fixed-term jobs, Agriculture Minister Francesco Lollobrigida told Corriere della Sera in an interview published on Monday.


Market regulator Consob has decided to reopen the review period for the offer document of the tender by Vitol - via sudsidiary Varas - on Saras' shares, a release by Saras on behalf of Varas said on Saturday. The time limit for the review will expire on 12 July 2024, it added.


Milan, 'The Urban Mobility Council' holds "Freedom of movement: a value in the new Europe. Technologies and data to align environmental, industrial and social objectives" with Unipol UNPI.MI Chairman Carlo Cimbri (1500 GMT).

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