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In economic recovery JPM prefers cheap and smaller European media stocks

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** In an economic recovery, J.P.Morgan prefers thoseEuropean media stocks that are cheap with improving earnings, which could lead shares re-rating

** As we move from economic contraction, "investors should typically favor value, low quality, high risk, small caps and rising momentum to maximize returns," says JPM

** "Contraction winners, quality names that are easy to love, may struggle to outperform unless they have specific catalysts or scope for upgrades. Recovery winners are harder to own but are cheap," - JPM

** It cuts Publicis PUBP.PA and Wolters Kluwer WLSNc.AS to "neutral" from "overweight" saying both have had extended periods of stock over-performance

** It raises ProSiebenSat.1PSMGn.DE and MFE MFEB.MI to "overweight" from "neutral", saying both offer value at a time when the improving macroeconomic situation could drive re-ratings

** It likes Vivendi VIV.PA, rates it "overweight" and places it on "positive catalyst watch", as the company could soon confirm its split into separate entities, unlocking value

** Improving economic conditions in the UK and stabilizing politics should boost London-listed ITV ITV.L and Pearson PSON.L, while Relx REL.L (all "overweight") is "the best AI play in Europe"

** Music label UMG UMG.AS, rated "overweight" should have a solid H1 and step up margin expansion in H2, says JPM

Reporting by Olivier Sorgho


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