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German prices seen falling on more wind power; French rise

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FRANKFURT, July 23 (Reuters) -European prompt power prices were mixed on Tuesday, with German levels falling on expectations of higher wind generation and falling temperatures while prices in France increased on lower local wind output.

Germany was expected to export power on the day-ahead, LSEG analyst Naser Hashemi wrote.

German baseload for Wednesday TRDEBD1 was at 65.0 euros ($70.68) per megawatt hour (MWh) by 0830 GMT, down 21.7%, while the equivalent French contract TRFRBD1 was 30.4% up at 63.3 euros/MWh, LSEG data showed.

German wind power output was expected to hit 13.6 gigawatts (GW) on Wednesday, up from 9.4 GW, while that in France was due to drop to 1.3 GW from 5.1 GW in the same period.

French nuclear availability remained unchanged at 73% of total capacity. POWER/FR

Power consumption in Germany was expected to ease by 200 MW to 53.7 GW and by 300 MW in France to 44.4 GW in the period under review.

Temperatures are set to go down by 1.5 degrees to 18.5 degrees Celsius in Germany and only decrease by a tad in France to 21.7 degrees day-on-day, LSEG data also showed.

France will likely see temperatures of 23.6 degrees on average over the next week.

German year-ahead power TRDEBYZ5 was down 0.5% at 86.3 euros/MWh while the French equivalent, Cal '25, TRFRBYZ5, was untraded after closing at 74.8 euros/MWh.

The price of European CO2 allowances for December 2024 expiry CFI2Zc1 was virtually unchanged at 64.77 euros a metric ton.

Carbon prices dropped 4.2% last week and a research note from analysts Veyt said that the downward trend might continue ahead of a looming full-volume auction supply in August, when demand is likely to be muted.

German gas transport companies have submitted a plan for a hydrogen core network under a two-month official consultation period opened by the energy regulator.

($1 = 0.9196 euros)

Reporting by Vera Eckert, editing by Miral Fahmy


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