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French gas consumption to drop 20% by 2030, grid operators say

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By Forrest Crellin and Benjamin Mallet

PARIS, Sept 12 (Reuters) -Gas consumption in France is expected to drop by almost 20% by 2030 under changes aimed at meeting climate targets and efforts to curb costs, French grid operators said on Thursday.

France is one of Europe's largest energy consumers and its gas consumption influences the region's trade flows and prices.

A study by GRDF, GRTgaz and Terega forecast 2030 consumption at 321 terawatt-hours (TWh), down 78 TWh from 2023, with recent efficiency gains and cost-saving initiatives leading to slightly larger demand reductions than previously estimated.

Recent significant drops in electricity demand due to the cost of energy should rebound over the next decade, but the effect on gas demand would be offset by increased energy efficiency and a switch to other power sources, the study said.

Some 20% of the gas consumed in 2030 is expected to come from renewable or low-carbon sources, such as biomethane, which are expected to provide around 60 TWh by 2030 and double that by 2035, the study also said.

Demand for renewable gas is currently limited due to its high cost, however.

The need for gas will also depend heavily on the availability of the nuclear fleet - France's primary energy source - and the deployment of renewable energy in France and neighbouring countries, the study added.

The study excluded the increasing volumes of hydrogen gas that will be consumed, particularly by industry.

Reporting by Benjamin Mallet and Forrest Crellin; Editing by Jason Neely and Mark Potter


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