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Five-week Quebec Safran strike adds to aircraft supply-chain woes

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By Allison Lampert

June 25 (Reuters) -A five-week strike by Montreal-area Safran SA SAF.PA workers who make landing-gear components used in Boeing BA.N and Airbus AIR.PA jets shows no signs of resolution as planemakers say supply-chain snags are hampering production.

Workers picketed on Tuesday outside the factory in Mirabel, Quebec, where Safran has been running operations using personnel who are not striking, a company spokesperson said.

The aerospace industry has been beset by supply issues for months. European aerospace giant Airbus on Monday lowered its forecast for deliveries this year to around 770 jets from 800 and delayed a multi-year hike in narrowbody production, blaming shortages of engines and other parts, including landing gear.

Since June 12, Paris-based Safran and the union have been in conciliation, a process by which labor disputes are resolved in Canada. The two sides are far from a resolution, with Safran saying it has made its final offer.

Safran has offered a 14.5% raise over three years, while workers represented by the Confederation des syndicats nationaux union want an estimated 22% salary hike.

"We have demands that we have made known since the start," said union local president Michael Durand.

He said the union has asked Quebec's labor ministry to inspect the plant for the use of non-managers and non-unionized workers to manufacture parts. Under Quebec law, managers can work during a strike.

Safran said the company's offer is competitive given the practices of other aerospace companies in the Montreal region.

Christian Scherer, who took over as head of Airbus's planemaking division in January, told German newspaper Hamburger Abendblatt that supplies of engines, landing gear and cabin components are key problem areas.

The Safran workers produce parts used for the assembly of landing gear at a rate of about 10 to 14 units a week for Airbus's A320 family, Durand said. Other Safran factories also produce the same parts.

Reporting By Allison Lampert in Seattle; Editing by Rod Nickel


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