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Cork-maker Amorim's first-quarter profit drops 32% as stopper sales dip

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LISBON, May 9 (Reuters) -The world's largest cork maker Corticeira Amorim CORA.LS posted a 32% drop in first-quarter net profit on Thursday as sales at its key wine stoppers unit fell by a tenth following destocking pressure in most wine markets.

The Portuguese company's net income fell to 16 million euros ($17.24 million) from 23.8 million a year earlier, missing an average analyst forecast of 17.5 million euros in an LSEG survey.

"The first three months of the year were impacted by unfavourable market conditions," Chief Executive Antonio Rios Amorim said in a statement, adding that the company was focused on boosting industrial efficiency, improving its product mix and gaining market share.

Total sales fell 9.7% to 235 million euros in the quarter, below the 247 million euros expected by analysts. Sales of cork stoppers, which represent more than three-quarters of all sales, fell 10% to 183.7 million euros.

"All segments and most wine markets showed pressure on volumes, reflecting mainly the effects of de-stocking," the company said, adding that the still wine segment outperformed sparkling wines, supported by growing sales of its micro-granule Neutrocork stoppers.

Corticeira Amorim said it was still hoping for a positive year despite high uncertainty. It will restructure its flooring unit and reduce operational losses amid growing competition from Asian companies and with no signs of recovery in the flooring industry.

First quarter earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) fell 8.8% to 43.7 million euros due to higher cork prices and negative effects of operational deleveraging.

($1 = 0.9282 euros)

Reporting by Patrícia Vicente Rua; Editing by Andrei Khalip, Kirsten Donovan


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