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Cisco to establish cybersecurity centre in Taiwan

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TAIPEI, June 17 (Reuters) -U.S. networking equipment maker Cisco CSCO.O said on Monday it would set up a cybersecurity centre in Taiwan and work with the government to train more people to work in the sector.

Democratically governed Taiwan, which Beijing views as its own territory, has repeatedly complained of cyberattacks coming from China, targeting government officials and departments as well as tech firms as part of a broader pressure campaign.

China denies involvement in hacking attacks.

Cisco said that as part of what it calls its Taiwan Digital Acceleration Plan 3.0, it would focus on cybersecurity, planning to partner with the government to train people and address a broader global talent shortage.

"In addition, Cisco aims to collaborate with relevant tech associations to establish a security centre in Taiwan for enhanced threat intelligence and cyber readiness," it said in a statement.

Guy Diedrich, the company's global innovation officer, told reporters it would "be doing a great deal of work around security" including the new "security innovation centre" in Taiwan, though he declined to provide investment figures.

"The nice thing about the digital acceleration programme is that there is no ceiling on investments. We continue to make them," he said of the project, that also covers artificial intelligence in areas like transport and sustainability operations at Kaohsiung port in southern Taiwan.

Launching the plan, Diedrich told an audience that included Taiwan Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim that he hoped there would be a fourth round of investment.

Hsiao said she was grateful for Cisco's continued partnership with Taiwan.

Reporting by Ben Blanchard
Editing by Bernadette Baum


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