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British Business - June 11

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June 11 (Reuters) -The following are the top stories on the business pages of British newspapers. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.

The Times

- GSK GSK.L and other drugmakers on Monday asked a Delaware court for permission to appeal a ruling allowing more than 70,000 lawsuits claiming that heartburn drug Zantac causes cancer to go forward.

- Vape maker Chill Brands CHLL.L said on Monday that Chief Commercial Officer Antonio Russo and Chief Operating Officer Trevor Taylor had transferred the registration of its Chill.com domain to themselves in May, in the latest setback for the British company.

The Guardian

- British water company Pennon PNN.L has named David Sproul as its chair designate, and he will succeed Gill Rider, who retires from the board following the annual general meeting on July 24.

- BP BP.L employees will have to disclose intimate relationships with colleagues or risk losing their jobs, according to a new policy brought out after the dismissal of former boss Bernard Looney for failing to tell the board.

The Telegraph

- Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Atlantic is examining a return to Gatwick and flights from regional airports such as Bristol after giving up hope of a third runway at Heathrow before the end of the decade.

- British American Tobacco BATS.L on Monday claimed that PwC failed to exercise reasonable care and skill when auditing the accounts of Windward Prospects, a paper factory spun off from the tobacco group more than two decades ago.

Sky News

- Barclays BARC.L is on the brink of renewing its long-standing link to the Premier League with a 75 million pound($95.45 million) deal which easily eclipses the value of its existing tie-up.

- British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak unveils his Conservatives' agenda for government on Tuesday, promising to offer voters in an election on July 4 the kind of financial security he says the opposition Labour Party can never provide.

($1 = 0.7858 pounds)

(Compiled by Bengaluru newsroom)


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