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British Business - July 15

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July 15 (Reuters) -The following are the top stories on the business pages of British newspapers. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.

The Times

The former boss of LXi Reit, Simon Lee, the property investor, sent an email to colleagues at the investment firm Alvarium announcing the launch of Home Reit, even though he maintains that he has never been involved with the scandal-hit business.

The Guardian

- Trinzic Operations Ltd, a solar energy project developer owned by Thames' parent company Kemble Water Holdings, is set to be liquidated, whose staff made redundant in an attempt by the parent to recoup more than 25 million pounds ($32.40 million) from the business.

The Telegraph

- Sky News has begun to slash its budgets for freelancers in roles including producers and guest bookers according to evidence seen by The Telegraph.

Sky News

- CVC Capital is putting its online trading platform Oanda up for sale and is being marketed by bankers at Nomura 9716.T and Santander SAN.MC.

($1 = 0.7715 pounds)

(Compiled by Bengaluru newsroom)


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