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BOJ taper schedule due, hints on rates too?

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July 30 (Reuters) -The Bank of Japan will announce its bond purchase tapering schedule on Wednesday,and Japanese yields have been rising since it gave the market a heads-up on June 14 nP8N3HA053, nL1N3IM00N nL1N3IC006. The BOJ Policy Board could also provide guidanceon possible rate hikes ahead, sending yields even higher.

There have been calls for the BOJ to communicate more on possible future policy changes. Toshimitsu Motegi, secretary-general of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and a future prime minister candidate, noted on July 22 that the BOJ should more clearly communicate on "several-staged rate hikes" ahead nP8N3HX08U.

Ten-year Japanese government bond yields slipped from a high of 1.106% on July 3 to 1.005% on July 17, tracking moves in U.S. and other offshore yields. Yields have since held above this level. A break above the July 3 high could spur a move towards 2.0%, levels not seen since 2006-2007.

Although the BOJ will begin tapering bond purchases, any rate hike may still be some time away. The Japanese economy remains on shaky ground nL4N3JB07X, nL4N3J91VJ, nL4N3J109X, nAZN1WA9FV, nNRAt4rvd8. Inflation also appears to be moving in line with the BOJ outlook despite lingering upward pressures nL4N3JB079.

Thus, the BOJ is likely to remain guardedly hawkish, maintaining upward pressures on Japanese yields this year and perhaps well into 2025-26.

Recent poll nL4N3JA00W, related story nL4N3J10PH. Previous BOJ comment nL1N3IN01O.

For more click on FXBUZ

BOJ keeps rates unchanged: https://reut.rs/4ceVeI5

Major central banks’ balance sheet in ratio to GDP terms: https://reut.rs/4ee2XXU

Haruya Ida is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his own. Editing by Sonali Desai


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