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BlackRock’s Larry Fink won’t be able to sit still

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are her own. Repeats with no changes to text.

By Lauren Silva Laughlin

NEW YORK, July 15 (Reuters Breakingviews) -They say that a rolling stone gathers no moss. But what about a rolling rock - or, specifically, BlackRock BLK.N? This year, the asset manager boasting over $10 trillion under its command has certainly been on a roll. It’s sealed two deals to bolster its private-markets investment group, while boss Larry Fink has carried out a restructuring seen internally as transformative. But its stock has still underperformed Blackstone BX.N, where Fink founded his eventual colossus. When it comes to acquisitions, he may not be able to sit still.

As far as the day-to-day business goes, BlackRock looks strong. Net flows to its exchange-traded fund business grew 8% over the last 12 months excluding the effect of any deals, according to earnings released Monday. At more than 44%, its operating profit margin is at a multi-year high. The company is pumping out earnings, giving it enough cash to chug along with a buyback plan while paying a chunky dividend.

Where the business is weak – alternatives, or private-market investments that cut against the grain of BlackRock’s largely public-markets-focused empire – Fink has been busy. Earlier this year, he purchased Global Infrastructure Partners for $12.5 billion. Last month, he spent $3.2 billion on financial data company Preqin. The idea is to expand the strategies offered to investors while helping them to keep track of how their sometimes-opaque private assets are doing. The investments may take a long time to pay off, but BlackRock has a track record that encourages optimism. Purchases of eFront and Aperio have both posted solid growth since coming into the BlackRock fold. The $13.5 billion purchase of Barclays Global Investors in 2009 was crucial to building its ETFs.

The trouble is, while Fink’s latest deals make his company look a bit more like former employer Blackstone, their stock prices bear little resemblance. Though Steve Schwarzman’s coffers are smaller by assets, at a mere $1 trillion, Blackstone dominates the private markets business. Its shares have returned twice as much as BlackRock’s, including dividends, over the last five years.

That means, even if Fink’s vision for pulling his company onto Blackstone’s turf transpires, BlackRock has a lot of catching up to do. At 71 years old, he may be getting antsy. Sure, he may be able to say he’s playing the long game. Given the monumental land-grab underway in private markets, though, chances are, he won’t let this rock slow its roll.

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Assets managed by BlackRock hit a record $10.6 trillion in the second quarter, the company said in an earnings release on July 15, up from $9.4 trillion a year earlier and $10.5 trillion in the first quarter. Revenue jumped 8% to $4.8 billion.

Graphic: BlackRock's stock price hasn't kept pace with Blackstone's https://reut.rs/3Y2LwUz

Editing by Jonathan Guilford and Sharon Lam


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