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Beijing kicks off annual defence forum amid multiple regional disputes

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By Laurie Chen

BEIJING, Sept 12 (Reuters) -China will kick off its biggest annual military diplomacy event on Thursday, seeking to expand the country's outreach to the Global South amid simmering regional tensions in the South China Sea and around Taiwan.

More than 90 countries and international organisations will send representatives and academics to the highly choreographed Xiangshan Forum, taking place Sept. 12-14 in Beijing.

Beijing is eager to promote itself as a responsible security player in international conflicts, despite being entangled in several territorial spats in its regional back yard. This year's forum is themed "Promoting Peace for a Shared Future".

The Philippines and China have exchanged accusations of intentionally ramming coast guard vessels in the South China Sea in recent months, while China made at leasttwo territorial incursions into Japanese airspace and waters in August.

Beijing continues to send warplanes and ships into areas surrounding democratically governed Taiwan, which China considers its own territory, ignoring the objections of the government in Taipei.

Meanwhile, Western countries have expressed concerns over China's growing military cooperation with Russia and "dangerous actions" in the South China Sea. In July, China and Belarus held joint military drills just a few kilometres from the border of NATO member Poland.

The U.S. plans to send Michael Chase, the deputy assistant secretary of defence for China, Taiwan and Mongolia, to the forum. Chase is more senior than the U.S. official who attended last year, though his rank is in line with historical norms.

U.S.-China military tensions have somewhat stabilised in recent months because regular communications channels have reopened after an almost two-year hiatus, though nuclear talks were halted by Beijing in July.

There is some hope that Chase's attendance could signal deeper working-level engagement with China amid regional disputes.

Most Western countries will send small, low-level delegations, preferring to discuss international security issues at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.

In a departure from last year, delegates attending as observers will have limited access to plenary sessions, one Western attendee told Reuters. The person asked for anonymity because they were not authorised to speak to the media.

The forum contains several seminars on Asia-Pacific security, U.S.-China relations and peace in the Middle East. The Gaza crisis is likely to dominate talks, the Western attendee said, with China's efforts to promote peace and advocate for Palestinians likely to find a receptive audience among some Global South delegations.

Chinese Defence Minister Dong Jun is expected to give a keynote speech at the opening ceremony on Friday. Dong, a former naval commander appointed in December after an anti-corruption purge in the army's top ranks, slammed Taiwan "separatists" at the Shangri-La Dialogue this year.

Responsible for China's military diplomacy but not part of the Central Military Commission, China's core military decision-making body, Dong is viewed by Western military officials as a "senior but powerless emissary who is not involved in power politics", the Western attendee told Reuters.

Last year's forum was held without a defence minister, as Dong's predecessor, Li Shangfu, had been removed from his role and was undergoing a corruption probe. Li and his predecessor Wei Fenghe were both expelled from the Communist Party in June over corruption, and the offences they are accused of include bribery.

NATO said it would send Gwendoline Vamos, a senior officer in the Global Partnerships Section, and a colonel to the forum.

Reporting by Laurie Chen; Additional reporting by Andrew Gray in Brussels. Editing by Gerry Doyle


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