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Australia announces new offshore gas exploration permits to plug supply gaps

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SYDNEY, July 23 (Reuters) -Australia on Tuesday announced new offshore gas exploration permits for its east and west coast markets in a bid to ease concerns over long-term supply gaps as the country moves rapidly away from its dependence on coal-fired power stations.

Australia considers gas a critical element in its transition to cleaner energy with the centre-left Labor government in May backing long-term gas drilling despite its plans to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

"As ageing coal generation comes offline in coming years, gas will continue to be needed to firm renewable energy generation and as a backup during peak energy use periods," Resources Minister Madeleine King said in a statement.

Intermittent weather-dependent sources, such as solar and wind, are considered to have been firmed when backed up by stable sources, such as energy storage or gas-fired plants.

A total of 10 permits will be provided for assessing carbon capture and storage (CCS), drawing criticism from Greenpeace Australia, which called it a "step backwards" on emission cuts.

Environmental groups say CCS has yet to work effectively and will prolong the use of fossil fuels.

The government's move comes after Australia's competition regulator earlier this month warned the east coast could face gas shortages from 2027, a year earlier than initially forecast.

Australia produces more gas than it needs to meet its domestic demands, but most supply is contracted for export.

King said exploration permits will be finalised for Exxon Mobil's XOM.N Esso and Beach Energy BPT.AX in the Otway and Sorrell basins, respectively, in the east coast, while permits will be provided for Chevron CVX.N, Japan's Inpex Corp 1605.T, Melbana MAY.AX and Woodside WDS.AX in the west.

Any discovered gas will be supplied to the domestic market.

King said the permits do not automatically allow new production to occur, and that safety and environment approvals must be given by the industry regulator.

No new seismic surveying will be permitted and companies will instead be required to use existing data, King said.

Reporting by Renju Jose in Sydney; Editing by Michael Perry


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