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Technical Analysis – EURCHF rallies towards 8-month high

  • EURCHF looks strongly bullish this year

  • Technical oscillators confirm upside tendency

EURCHF has added almost 6% since the beginning of the year, recording a new eight-month high of 0.9786. The pair is creating a steep upward tendency with no notable bearish corrections so far in 2024. The RSI indicator is standing in the overbought region and is still pointing north, while the MACD is extending its positive momentum above its trigger and zero lines.

More aggressive advances could lead the pair towards the previous high of 0.9786 ahead of the peak from June 2023 at 0.9840. If buying interest persists, then the market could touch the April 2023 resistance at 0.9880.

In the case of a negative scenario, the attention could shift to the downside, creating a bearish retracement towards the 0.9685 support. Breaking the uptrend line too, the price could then meet the 0.9630 mark and the 200-day simple moving average (SMA) around 0.9560.

All in all, EURCHF is strongly bullish in the short-term timeframe after the rebounds off 0.9253 and 0.9305 and only a tumble beneath the 200-day SMA may change the outlook to a neutral one. 


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