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Italy - Factors to watch on September 19

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The following factors could affect Italian markets on Thursday.

Reuters has not verified the newspaper reports, and cannot vouch for their accuracy. New items are marked with (*).

For a complete list of diary events in Italy please click on IT/DIA.


Italy's economy can grow by 1% this year in line with a government forecast made in April, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said on Wednesday.

Bank of Italy releases July data on foreign investors holdings of Italian government bonds.



(*) CEO Andrea Orcel ruled out a takeover bid for German peer Commerzbank CBKG.DE as it would be an "aggressive move", the executive said in an interview to Italian daily Il Messaggero published on Thursday.

Commerzbank is poised to put CFO Bettina Orlopp in charge of talks with the Italian lender when the German bank's supervisory board meets next week, two people with knowledge of the matter said, as the Italian rival eyes a takeover.

Italy's government sees favourably UniCredit's efforts to build a large European banking group through a merger with Commerzbank as long as the Milanese bank keeps its central functions in Italy, sources close to the matter said.


The United Auto Workers union is eying multiple U.S. strikes against the French-Italian carmaker about a year after a national walkout cost the Detroit Three automakers billions of dollars and idled 50,000 workers.


New car sales in the European Union fell 18.3% in August to their lowest in three years, dragged by double-digit losses in major markets Germany, France and Italy, data from Europe's auto industry body showed on Thursday.

Sales of fully electric cars slumped 43.9% in August, falling for the fourth consecutive month, as the bloc's biggest EV markets Germany and France recorded drops of 68.8% and 33.1% respectively, the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA) said.


The Italian spirits group shares closed 7.48% down on Wednesday as CEO Matteo Fantacchiotti abruptly quit after only five months in charge of the group, with the company citing personal reasons for his departure.

(*) Lagfin, the holding company that controls Campari, said in a note on Wednesday that it would buy up to 100 million euros of ordinary shares "as it believes the current market price... does not accurately reflect the true value" of the company.


The U.S. State Department has approved the potential sale of heavy-duty tank trailers and related equipment to Israel in a deal valued at $164.6 million, with Leonardo DRS DRS.O as the principal contractor, the Pentagon said on Thursday.


The Italian energy engineering group said on Wednesday it had won an offshore contract worth around $2 billion for the development of the Marjan oil field in Saudi Arabia.


(*) The commercial broadcaster controlled by Italy's Berlusconi family said on Thursday its advertising sales are set to beat expectations in the first nine months of the year, after posting a 6.7% rise in the first half.

Conference call on results (0700 GMT).


The Caltagirone Group's stake in the Italian insurance group has risen to 6.9%, according to a Sept. 13 update, in line with the shareholder's register, mainly on the basis of the May 22 dividend pay-out, Generali said on its website.


Italy's state railways company will remain under public control, Transport Minister Matteo Salvini said on Wednesday, after the company's CEO said he was considering attracting private investors.


Rome, Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani holds press conference with Spanish conservative opposition leader Alberto Nunez Feijoo (1130 GMT).

Catania, Bank of Italy Governor Fabio Panetta and STMicroelectronics STMMI.MI Italian Chairman Giuseppe Notarnicola speak at Bank of Italy event "The pulse of the economy - Southern Italy" (0900 GMT).

Pescara, 4th edition "Abruzzo Economy Summit" starts; ends on Sept. 20 (0730 GMT). On Thursday expected attendees include road maintenance agency ANAS CEO Aldo Isi, Leonardo LDOF.MI Chairman Stefano Pontecorvo, state lender Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) unit SIMEST CEO Regina Corradini D'Arienzo, Economy Ministry agency SACE CEO Alessandra Ricci; Industry Minister Adolfo Urso delivers closing address.

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20 biggest losers (in percentage)..............PL.MI

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FTSE Mid Cap index.... .FTITMC

Block trades.......... .BLK.MI

Stories on Italy...... IT-LEN

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