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Rain may help firefighters battling blaze in Canadian tourist town

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Adds major rail company resuming shipments through park in paragraphs 5-6, Alberta to brief reporters in paragraph 8, details of fire damage in paragraph 11

By David Ljunggren

OTTAWA, July 26 (Reuters) -Steady rain is likely to help firefighters working to contain a massive wildfire that has devastated parts of the western Canadian tourist town of Jasper, authorities said on Friday.

Jasper is in the middle of mountainous Jasper National Park in the province of Alberta, a major tourist attraction. A huge fire has damaged or destroyed up to half the town's structures.

Parks Canada said between 10 mm and 15 mm of rain had fallen on Thursday. "This precipitation will likely keep fire behavior low for the next 72 hours," it said in a statement.

"Crews will take advantage of this time to make as much progress as possible to suppress the wildfire and reduce further spread. While rain in Jasper is a welcome sight, warm weather is forecast and will increase wildfire activity."

CN Rail, one of the country's two largest rail companies, resumed the movement of goods through Jasper National Park on Friday after the fire forced it to suspend operations.

CN remains in regular contact with officials and is monitoring weather and fire movements, it said in a statement.

Authorities have so far declined to give specific details of how many buildings were lost in Jasper, which normally has a population of around 5,000. Video posted to social media showed entire blocks had been burned to the ground.

The Alberta government is due to brief reporters at 1 pm local time (1900 GMT).

The town and park, which draw more than 2 million tourists a year to this area of the Rocky Mountains, were evacuated on Monday, when officials estimated there were up to 10,000 people in the town and a further 15,000 visitors in the park.

Late on Thursday, authorities said crews had managed to protect all of Jasper's critical infrastructure. This included the hospital, schools and a wastewater treatment plant.

The blaze also damaged a number of bridges around the town and in the park, they added.

The Jasper Park Lodge, one of the largest hotels in town, said it had suffered some damage but most structures remained standing and intact. The 400-room residence is run by Fairmont, a group owned by France's Accor ACCP.PA.

The Trans Mountain oil pipeline, which can carry 890,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil from Edmonton to Vancouver, runs through the park. The operator said on Thursday there were no signs of damage.

The federal government said in April that high temperatures and tinder-dry forests meant this could be a catastrophic year for wildfires in Canada.

The current fire could be one of the most damaging in Alberta since a 2016 blaze that hit the oil town of Fort McMurray, forcing the evacuation of all 90,000 residents and destroying 10% of all structures there.

Additional reporting by Nia Williams in British Columbia; Editing by Mark Heinrich and Ros Russell


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