U.S. regulators raise questions about siting data centers at power plants
New throughout, adds details and comments from Google and PJM market monitor
By Laila Kearney
NEW YORK, Nov 1 (Reuters) -Costs and reliability concerns related to the burgeoning trend of building energy-intensive data centers next to U.S. power plants were the focus of a technical conference held on Friday by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
As the technology industry races to deploy data centers for technologieslike generative artificial intelligence, quickly accessing the massive amounts of electricity for the centers has become a critical problem.
Connecting data centers directly to power plants, in an arrangement known as co-location, has presented a fast routeto accessing large amounts of electricity, instead of toiling for years in queues to connect to the broader grid.
"I believe that the federal government, including this agency, should be doing the very best it can to nurture and foster their development," said FERC Chairman Willie Phillips, adding he consideredAI centers vitalto national security and the U.S.economy.
This year Amazon bought a data center powered directly by a Pennsylvania nuclear plant owned by Talen Energy. Shares of fellow major independent nuclear operators, including Constellation and Vistra, have shot up this year partially on the prospect of striking similar deals.
The possibility of a ballooning number of co-located data centers has raised questionsabout potentially higherpower bills for everyday customers because the centers will usegrid infrastructure and services paid for by the public.
Connecting data centers directly to power plants that had been supplying power to the public hasalso sparked reliability concerns, in part, because they can divert steadypower from the grid.
FERC questioned whether the co-located centers will use the grid as backup power and what will happen if the neighboring power plant unexpectedly goes offline.
"Does the customer get to still draw power from the grid? Because if it does, that's going to have a huge impact," said Commissioner Mark Christie.
The technical conference could lead to new co-located data center guidelines, including ones that determinewho is responsible for transmission and distribution upgrade costs and how agreements for thecenters are governed.
FERC is also currently gathering details on a regulatory battle being waged by electric utilities over the co-located Amazon data center agreement with Talen Energy. Talen's interconnection agreement for the center is being opposed by utilities Exelon and American Electric Power, and FERC's decision on the case couldset a precedent for similar deals.
The data center would take as much as 960 megawatts, or enough to power nearly 1 million American homes, of nuclear energy from the largest U.S. electrical grid.
At Friday's conference, Joseph Bowring, watchdog for PJM Interconnection market activity, said more co-located data centers at nuclear plants would exacerbate the region's supply-demand imbalance.
"It is not a way to solve the problem, it is a way to actually make it worse," Bowring said, recommending that data center developers instead help bring more power online.
Brian George, Google's head of global energy market development and policy, said Google's interest in co-located developments is being driven by a need to access electricity and not to avoid the associated costs.
"We will pay for our fair share of those costs," George said.
Reporting by Laila Kearney; Editing by David Gregorio
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