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Once defiant, Biden is now 'soul searching' about dropping out of race

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Adds Coons, Hickenlooper, Pelosi

By Jeff Mason, Steve Holland and Nandita Bose

REHOBOTH BEACH, Delaware/WASHINGTON, July 18 (Reuters) - U.S.President Joe Biden istaking calls to step aside as the Democratic presidential candidate seriously and multiple Democratic officials think an exit is a matter of time, according to sources familiar with the matter.

"His soul searching is actually happening, I know that for a fact," said one of the sources, who requested anonymity. "He's thinking about this very seriously."

Biden, 81, has faced increasing pressure from heavyweights in his party to cede his position at the top of the ticket after a shoddy debate performance against former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, raised fears about his age and ability to win in November.

The president has pushed back defiantly against those calls, arguing that he has won millions of votes in primary races over the last several months and is Democratic voters' choice. As recently as Wednesday, he vowed "I am all in" the 2024 race.

Another of the sources, a Democratic congressional aide, said the writing appeared to be on the wall for the president after lawmakers including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer reportedly urged him to drop out of the race.

"It feels like it's a matter of ... when, not if," the aide said.

Democratic Senator Chris Coons of Delaware, a close Biden ally, told CNN on Thursday that Biden will be "resting and reflecting" this weekend as he recovers from COVID-19.

He has been asking for information on polling data and weighs seriously the input of those he trusts and admires, Coons said, adding he thinks Biden is the best candidate to run in 2024.

Biden is convalescing at his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. He had no public events on Thursday after concluding a trip to the political swing state of Nevada on Wednesday.

Biden's campaign is focusing on three out of seven battleground states after the debate, a narrow path to victory, but it has rejected suggestions that he is ready to step aside.

"He is not wavering on anything. The president has made his decision," deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks said in Milwaukee, where the Republican convention is taking place. "Joe Biden has said he is running for president of the United States. Our campaign is moving forward."

Another source, a Biden campaign official, said the opposite. "Yes, it's over. Just a matter of time."

Democratic SenatorJohn Hickenlooper of Colorado said he believed that Biden was working toward a decision on whether to stay in the presidential race and would opt for what is good for the country.

"Joe Biden has always put the country first. He's done what's best for America...I think he'll keep doing so," Hickenlooper told Reuters late Wednesday, adding there are indications it would be best for the U.S. if he stepped aside.

Former House of RepresentativesSpeaker Nancy Pelosi backed Representative Adam Schiff's call for Biden to step aside, a top White House source with direct knowledge of the matter said. But a source close to Pelosi - one of the most influential members of Biden's Democratic Party - said that Schiff did not consult with Pelosi before making his concerns public.

Reporting by Jeff Mason, Steve Holland and Nandita Bose; Editing by Heather Timmons, Alistair Bell and Deepa Babington


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