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Olympics-Canoeing-Hungarians set sights on more canoeing medals in Paris

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By Philip O'Connor

PARIS, July 26 (Reuters) -Few would expect a land-locked country like Hungary to be a water sports superpower but the nation's canoeists have long been a rich source of Olympic medals and begin their quest for more on Saturday.

The Hungarians have sent a formidable 16-member team to France, including twice Olympic champion sprinter Tamara Csipes and Tokyo gold medal winner Balint Kopasz.

"Canoeing is one of the sports in Hungary with the richest history - the Hungarian canoeing federation is more than 80 years old and has around 200 clubs," Balint Szakacs, managing director of the federation, told Reuters in an interview ahead of the Paris Games.

"It is not the most popular sport in Hungary of course - ball sports like football, basketball, handball and water polo are very popular also - but canoeing has become the (country's) most successful Olympic sport in the last 25 years," he added.

Hungary's Olympic triumphs in the sport have made it easier for the federation to attract new athletes to the water.

"Of course, children want to become Olympic champions, and they see that it's an easier way to become an Olympic champion, because football, for example, hasn't been that successful," Szakacs explained.

"The Hungarian Federation also spends resources on promoting the sport itself and we do not only focus just on the high-performance sport but we also focus on the leisure sport and we try to reach new target audiences."

With Hungary's total of 86 medals in canoeing, the sport is second only to fencing in terms of the country's Olympic success and the federation is hoping for more podium finishes in Paris.

"People and the press want us to say exact numbers, and the exact expectations are difficult to say," Szakacs said.

"We usually say that we will be happy with four medals but we do not want to say the colour of the medal."

Most of all, Szakacs wants to see more Hungarians inspired to get paddling.

"We want to introduce our rivers and our water to the public and tell them that it's good to sit in a boat and just to enjoy the natural beauty of Hungary," he said.

"That is also a goal for us, that we try to convince more and more people to sit in a boat and discover the country."

Reporting by Philip O'Connor; Editing by Ken Ferris


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