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Italy - Factors to watch on June 3

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The following factors could affect Italian markets on Monday.

Reuters has not verified the newspaper reports, and cannot vouch for their accuracy. New items are marked with (*).

For a complete list of diary events in Italy please click on IT/DIA.


The next European Parliament should copy the current Italian model of government, drawing together all parties on the right of the political spectrum to rule together, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said on Saturday.

(*) Italy's Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti is considering resigning because he is fed up with the lack of support from the coalition parties that don't accept the need for spending curbs, dailies la Repubblica and Domani wrote on Monday, citing sources close to Giorgetti.


May PMI manufacturing HCOB data (0745 GMT).

Transport Ministry releases May car sales data (1600 GMT).

May state sector borrowing requirement data.



The Italian energy giant will supply oil from Kazakhstan's Kashagan field to Germany in June via the Druzhba pipeline, pipeline operator Kaztransoil KZTO.KZ told Reuters by email on Friday.


A Russian court on Friday eased restrictions imposed on the Italian bank in a lawsuit over an aborted gas project, allowing the lender to offer Russian sovereign bond holdings as collateral instead of other assets and property.

(*) CEO Andrea Orcel told the Financial Times on Monday that "probabilities are low" that his bank could disentangle itself from Russia.

"Extracting yourself from Russia by selling your bank or by finding other schemes is extremely complicated because you need to fit in an ever-diminishing grey area where you fit the political will and avoid the sanctions of both sides," he said, adding that UniCredit would nonetheless keep trying.


After the government's sales which cut Rome's stake in the lender to 26%, Vanguard - the world's second-largest asset manager,- Arrowstreet Capital and hedge fund Two Sigma are the three largest private shareholders of MPS with stakes of 2.5%, 1.9% and 1.9% respectively, daily Milano Finanza reported over the weekend, citing documents deposited at the bank's shareholders meeting.

The report added that with the lock-up period ending on July 1 the Treasury could be free to press on with the privatisation of the bank, selling a stake of between 10-15%.


The insurance group will be delisted from the Milan bourse as from July 1, following the completion of a sell-out procedure, Unipol Gruppo said in a statement on Friday.


Business innovation group Retex said on Monday it had launched a takeover bid for the Italian digital transformation firm. The bid is worth 12 euros per share and is aimed at delisting.


Starts capital increase; ends on June 20.


Rome, Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani and Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi present consular services for Italian football fans following Euro 2024 matches in Germany; Sports and Youth Minister Andrea Abodi expected to attend (0900 GMT).

Menaggio, Infrastructure and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini attends event to launch Coast Guards' summer lake and sea safety programme (0800 GMT).

Nepi, Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani holds news conference to present results of the 'Food for Gaza' initiative (1400 GMT).

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