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Italy - Factors to watch on July 18

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The following factors could affect Italian markets on Thursday.

Reuters has not verified the newspaper reports, and cannot vouch for their accuracy. New items are marked with (*).

For a complete list of diary events in Italy please click on IT/DIA.


Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti said on Wednesday he hoped the European Commission would give special consideration to defence spending in assessing compliance with EU budget rules.

Speaking in the Chamber of Deputies, Giorgetti also said his cabinet colleague Raffaele Fitto, in charge of European Union affairs, was the country's candidate for a role in the new EU Commission expected to be headed by Ursula von der Leyen.

Italy is planning to improve weaponry aboard some of its F35 fighter jets, a defence ministry document showed, in what analysts see as a move to secure well-stocked, up-to-date arsenals in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.



Stellantis announced on Wednesday it had extended the maturity and amended its syndicated revolving credit facility of 12 billion euros originally signed in July 2021.

(*)New car sales in the European Union rose 4.3% in June to their highest since July 2019, driven by an uptick in major markets Italy, Germany, and Spain, while registrations of battery electric cars fell marginally, data from Europe's auto industry body showed on Thursday.

(*) Car registrations at Europe's three largest carmakers Volkswagen VOWG_p.DE, Stellantis, and Renault RENA.PA grew by 4.7%, 0.4% and 6.2% respectively in June.


Operating profit at MFE-MediaForEurope, the TV group controlled by Italy's Berlusconi family, rose 11% in the first half of the year supported by higher-than-expected advertisement revenue, the company said on Wednesday.


The lender said on Wednesday it had concluded the buyback of one series of its perpetual notes for an aggregate nominal value of 179.5 million euros ($196.19 million). It added that it had simultaneously issued new euro-denominated fixed-rate perpetual Additional Tier 1 notes for an aggregate nominal amount of 400 million euros.


Rome prosecutors on Wednesday requested that former Juventus Chairman Andrea Agnelli and other ex-managers of Italy's most successful soccer club face trial over allegations of false accounting during their tenure, judicial sources said.

Juventus said in a statement that its lawyers had notified it of the request for indictment by the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Court of Rome. A lawyer for Agnelli, who was Juventus chairman from 2010 to 2022, was not immediately available to comment.


Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni attends "4th European Political Community Summit" in Woodstock (0800 GMT).

Rome, Labor Minister Marina Elvira Calderone addresses Senate Health and Labour committees and Chamber of Deputies Labour committees on recent tragic events concerning work in agriculture and more generally to accidents at work, as well as initiatives in the area of countering illegal work (0630 GMT).

Rome, Acea ACE.MI and Intesa Sanpaolo ISP.MI sign a cooperation agreement; round-table discussion with Intesa Sanpaolo Banca dei Territori unit head Stefano Barrese, Acea CEO Fabrizio Palermo (1410 GMT).

For Italian market data and news, click on codes in

20 biggest gainers (in percentage).............PG.MI

20 biggest losers (in percentage)..............PL.MI

FTSE IT allshare index .FTITLMS

FTSE Mib index........ .FTMIB

FTSE Allstars index... .FTSTAR

FTSE Mid Cap index.... .FTITMC

Block trades.......... .BLK.MI

Stories on Italy...... IT-LEN

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European Equities speed guide...................EUR/EQUITY

FTSEurofirst 300 index...............................FTEU3

DJ STOXX index.......................................STOXX

Top 10 STOXX sectors............................PGL.STOXXS

Top 10 EUROSTOXX sectors.......................PGL.STOXXES

Top 10 Eurofirst 300 sectors....................PGL.FTEU3S

Top 25 European pct gainers........................PG.PEUR

Top 25 European pct losers.........................PL.PEUR

Main stock markets:

Dow Jones................DJI Wall Street report ......N

Nikkei 225..............N225 Tokyo report.............T

FTSE 100................FTSE London report............L

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CAC-40..................FCHI Paris market stories....PA

World Indices.....................................0#.INDEX

Reuters survey of world bourse outlook.........EQUITYPOLL1

Western European IPO diary..........................WEUIPO

European Asset Allocation........................EUR/ASSET

Reuters News at a Glance: Equities...............TOP/EQE

Main currency report:...............................FRX/

($1 = 0.9149 euros)


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