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Italy - Factors to watch on April 18

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The following factors could affect Italian markets on Thursday.

Reuters has not verified the newspaper reports, and cannot vouch for their accuracy. New items are marked with (*).

For a complete list of diary events in Italy please click on IT/DIA.


European foreign ministers want to impose new sanctions on those who arm Israel's foes and those who attack ships in the Red Sea, Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said on Wednesday.

Tajani said the issue of sanctions would also be addressed during a meeting of Group of Seven foreign ministers that he is due to chair over the coming three days in the Italian island of Capri.


Bank of Italy releases February data on foreign investors holdings of Italian government bonds.


Treasury announces sale of BTP Short and BTPei bonds, with relative amounts to be auctioned on April 23.



The digital payments firm has broken off talks to sell its clearing and digital corporate banking services to Italian infrastructure fund F2i, Il Corriere della Sera reported on Thursday. Some merchant banks have been mulling a merger between Nexi and its French rival Worldline WLN.PA, but the idea has so far received a cold reception, the paper added.


The Italian bank could consider M&A deals in Romania, Chief Executive Andrea Orcel told Bloomberg, as quoted by some Italian newspapers on Thursday.


The phone group denied on Wednesday activist investor Bluebell Capital's allegations about "hidden pacts" between the company and shareholders on the outgoing board's slate to the country's watchdog, and said it will take appropriate initiatives and steps to protect share prices.

As part of its so-called 'Golden Power' over strategic assets, the Italian government plans to convene the top management of the phone group's main shareholder Vivendi VIV.PA to discuss the sale of TIM's network, after the French company did not attend a meeting held on April 2, MF reported on Thursday.


Italy is talking to China's Dongfeng Motor 0489.HK and others as part of efforts to attract another major automaker to the country in addition to Stellantis, Industry Minister Adolfo Urso said on Wednesday.

(*) The automaker said on Wednesday it will pay $100 million to acquire 49.5% of 360 Energy Solar, one of Argentina's leading solar power producers, in a push towards making its plants more energy self-sufficient.

(*) New car sales in the European Union, Efta and UK fell by 2.8% year-on-year in March, Europe's auto industry body said on Thursday. Stellantis' sales fell by 8.7%.


The Italian luxury group said on Wednesday its sales rose 16.5% at current exchange rates in the first quarter, driven by growth in all regions, including Asia.


Net profit of the commercial broadcaster rose by 17.7% to 217.5 million euros last year, CEO Pier Silvio Berlusconi said on Wednesday, adding group advertising revenues were up 6% in the first quarter of 2024.

Its full-year operating profit (EBIT) rose 7.9% to 302.3 million euros, the company said on Thursday.

(*) OVS

The fashion retail group said on Wednesday that sales grew by 5% in the first months of its financial year following annual growth of 1.5%.


An arbitration court ordered the club to pay former striker Cristiano Ronaldo around 9.8 million euros in owed wages, the Serie A side said on Wednesday.


The electric motor components maker is ready to enter the Indian market by 2024, Chief Executive Marco Arduini told Il Sole 24 Ore on Thursday.


Annual general meeting (0730 GMT).


Annual general meeting (0800 GMT).


Annual general meeting (0800 GMT).


Annual general meeting (1200 GMT).


Annual general meeting on 2nd call (0830 GMT).


Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni attends special European Council meeting in Brussels.

Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti attends International Monetary Found and the World Bank annual 'Spring Meetings' and G20 Finance ministers and central bank governors meeting in Washington.

Capri, G7 Foreign Affairs ministerial meeting continues; ends on April 19. On Thursday Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani delivers opening remarks (0730 GMT).

Industry Minister Adolfo Urso's agenda on Thursday:
* delivers opening address at first "S7 Summit: the G7 of Standardisation" on the role of standards in support of world policies in Rome (0800 GMT);
* attends event organised by business lobby Confindustria unit 'Fashion and Accessories' in Rome (0730 GMT);
* attends "Craftsmanship the heart of Made in Italy" event in Rome (0830 GMT);
* participates via videoconference at 'EuroMediterranean Festival of Economics' (0900 GMT);
* attends news conference "Made in Italy Days Amazon" (1300 GMT);
* attends symposium "More space for all" with Italian Space Agency (ASI) President Teodoro Valente (1500 GMT).

Rome, Ryanair's RYA.I representatives speak before Competition and Market Authority (AGCM) on antitrust investigation for alleged abuse of dominant position (0700 GMT).

Naples, "Euro-Mediterranean Economy Festival" starts (0730 GMT); ends on April 20. On Thursday expected attendees include state lender Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) CEO Dario Scannapieco, state railways Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) CEO Luigi Ferraris, Webuild WBD.MI CEO Pietro Salini, Enel ENEI.MI Chairman Paolo Scaroni, Acea ACE.MI CEO Fabrizio Palermo, A2A A2.MI CEO Renato Mazzoncini, Ditte Juul-Jorgensen from EU Commission, Environment and Energy Security Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin.

For Italian market data and news, click on codes in

20 biggest gainers (in percentage).............PG.MI

20 biggest losers (in percentage)..............PL.MI

FTSE IT allshare index .FTITLMS

FTSE Mib index........ .FTMIB

FTSE Allstars index... .FTSTAR

FTSE Mid Cap index.... .FTITMC

Block trades.......... .BLK.MI

Stories on Italy...... IT-LEN

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FTSEurofirst 300 index...............................FTEU3

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Top 10 EUROSTOXX sectors.......................PGL.STOXXES

Top 10 Eurofirst 300 sectors....................PGL.FTEU3S

Top 25 European pct gainers........................PG.PEUR

Top 25 European pct losers.........................PL.PEUR

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