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India wants to be China's gateway to the West

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are her own.

By Shritama Bose

MUMBAI, July 26 (Reuters Breakingviews) -India is warming up to its northern neighbour. The South Asian country’s annual economic report recommends courting investment from China rather than integrating into the country’s supply chains. That lays out a way for companies from Shein to BYD 002594.SZ, 1211.HK to keep selling in Western markets despite rising suspicion towards the People's Republic. Much depends on how the Sino-American trade war plays out.

In the survey for the year ended March released on Monday, India’s Chief Economic Adviser V. Anantha Nageswaran laid out the two options for the country to benefit from companies shifting supply chains out of China. He argues that it is more effective to encourage manufacturers from the People's Republic to set up factories in India and export to Western markets than to import China-made parts for assembly and re-export.

Betting on investments rather than low-value imports would help cut New Delhi’s $85 billion annual trade deficit with its neighbour. It would also shield India against any future moves by Beijing to restrict exports of critical material.

Ideas floated in the survey do not necessarily translate into policy action. But the push for Chinese direct investment found an advocate in Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday,the first member of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s cabinet to back the idea.

That statement is significant, coming four years after India stepped up scrutiny of investment from its neighbours following a skirmish with Chinese troops. Signs of a thaw are visible elsewhere, too. Fast-fashion giant Shein, which is gearing up for an initial public offering in London, is partnering with $242 billion Reliance Industries RELI.NS to source merchandise from the world’s fifth-largest economy. China's SAIC Motor 600104.SS formed a joint venture with JSW Group in March to build and sell electric cars in India.

Those are still exceptions, though. As of March 2023, 54 foreign direct investment proposals from entities based in China and Hong Kong were awaiting official approval. It’s a reminder that parts of the Indian establishment are uncomfortable with opening the floodgates to Chinese capital. Beijing’s level of comfort with companies investing in India, especially in strategic industries with potential for technology transfer, is unclear too.

More importantly, the U.S-China trade war is still in flux, and the upcoming presidential election in November adds to the uncertainty. At the very least, India’s economic ambitions might offer a handy blueprint for the road ahead.

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India is likely to ease restrictions on Chinese investment in sectors like solar panels and battery manufacturing where New Delhi lacks manufacturing expertise, Reuters reported on July 24, citing two unnamed government sources.

The country’s Ministry of Finance in its annual economic survey released on July 22 recommended a focus on attracting foreign direct investment from China to benefit from the trend of manufacturers diversifying away from the People’s Republic. Raising FDI will be a more promising strategy for boosting Indian exports to the U.S.than integrating into China’s supply chain, said the survey prepared by Chief Economic Adviser V. Anantha Nageswaran.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman backed the survey’s suggestion to allow more Chinese investment in the country at a press conference on July 23. She said that the adviser's office works at an "arm's distance" but "that doesn't mean I am disowning the suggestion."

In April 2020, New Delhi introduced a policy of additional scrutiny of investments from countries with which it shares a land border, after a clash between Indian and Chinese troops deployed along their border.

Graphic: India's trade gap with China has been increasing https://reut.rs/3LCPvzT

Editing by Robyn Mak and Ujjaini Dutta


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