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Germany says it won't be cowed by Russia after reported plot to kill Rheinmetall CEO

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By Matthias Inverardi and Matthias Williams

DUESSELDORF, July 12 (Reuters) -Berlin is taking reports of a plot to assassinate the chief executive of arms manufacturer Rheinmetall RHMG.DE very seriously and will not be cowed by Russian intimidation, the German government said on Friday.

CNN and the New York Times on Thursday reported that U.S. intelligence had discovered a Russian plan to kill Armin Papperger, CEO of a company that has produced artillery shells and military vehicles for Ukraine.

The plot was one of a series of Russian plans to assassinate defence industry executives across Europe supporting Ukraine's war effort, CNN reported. Washington informed Germany and German security services were able to protect Papperger, it said.

"We will not allow ourselves to be intimidated by Russia and will continue to do everything we can to prevent Russian threats in Germany," Germany's Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said.

Rheinmetall has not directly confirmed the reports but said in a statement that "necessary measures are always taken" for security, in regular consultation with security authorities.

The Kremlin denied the reports as fake, based on anonymous sources, and said they could not be taken seriously.

German defence group Hensoldt HAGG.DE, which produces radar technology for the IRIS-T air defence system used in Ukraine, said it was reassessing safety measures.

In April the German authorities arrested two German-Russian nationals on suspicion of plotting sabotage attacks, including on U.S. military facilities, in an attempt to undermine military support for Ukraine.

Germany also accuses Russia of the murder of an exiled Chechen-Georgian dissident in Berlin's Tiergarten park in broad daylight in 2019. The assassin Vadim Krasikov is serving a life sentence, and the court ruled that Russia was responsible for state terrorism.

"The Tiergarten murder already showed that Russia does not shy away from assassination attempts here either. We take reports of further murder plans very seriously," said Justice Minister Marco Buschmann.

"Our security forces are well positioned. Russia wants to weaken us, but it will not succeed: we are capable of defending ourselves."


Questions over Papperger's personal safety were already in focus this year when his garden house was set on fire by what tabloid newspaper Bild said were far-left activists.

Speaking to reporters in May about the incident, Papperger said he was grateful he was being guarded by security personnel.

"There are probably some people in the world who don't like what I do. In that respect, the Federal Republic of Germany is making sure that I am safe. I am grateful for that too," he told reporters at the time.

"Thank God I wasn't there," he said of the attack on his garden house. "There are just a lot of crazy people in the world. The use of violence is something that I cannot accept. I am working with all my strength to ensure that we can defend ourselves against people who use violence. Some people don't like that."

The Financial Times in a report said the levels of protection for Papperger were now similar to those for Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

The vice-chair of the parliamentary intelligence oversight committee, conservative lawmaker Roderich Kiesewetter, warned of possible further Russian attacks in Germany.

The foiled assassination attempt on Papperger should "not obscure the fact that Russia has other targets in its sights and is using espionage, sabotage and targeted killings," Kiesewetter told Handelsblatt.

"It is not for nothing that Russia was designated a terrorist state by a German court."

Reporting by Matthias Inverardi, Alexander Hübner, Miranda Murray, Rachel More, Matthias Williams
Writing by Matthias Williams
Editing by Peter Graff


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