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France's Orano selects Tennessee site to build uranium enrichment plant

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Orano to build uranium enrichment plant in Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Project aims to reduce US dependence on Russian enriched uranium

Plant to create over 300 jobs, officials say

Adds background on Orano's plans and on the U.S. ban on imports of Russian enriched uranium from paragraph 7

By Timothy Gardner and Benjamin Mallet

WASHINGTON/PARIS Sept 4 (Reuters) -France's state-owned nuclear fuel company Orano has selected Oak Ridge, Tennessee as a preferred site to build a multi-billion dollar U.S. uranium enrichment plant, Tennessee and Orano officials said on Wednesday.

The move comes months after the administration of President Joe Biden signed legislation meant to eventually end dependence on Russia, the world's top supplier of enriched uranium. The law imposed a ban on imports of Russian enriched uranium and freed up to $2.7 billion in U.S. funding for domestic uranium projects.

Jean-Luc Palayer, CEO and president of Orano USA, said the company was preparing the next required steps for the plant, including securing U.S. federal support, customer commitments, and obtaining a license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and approval from Orano’s board.

"But today we celebrate this major milestone towards bringing a new enrichment facility online to help meet our country’s need for an increased, secure domestic nuclear fuel supply," said Palayer. Orano USA is based in Bethesda, Maryland.

The plant would create more than 300 jobs in Tennessee, officials said. The project is also supported by Tennessee's Nuclear Energy Fund, which has about $60 million.

The officials did not say exactly how much the plant would cost to build.


The company had reached advanced plans to build about a $2 billion enrichment plant in Idaho in the late 2000s but was forced to abandon it after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan led some countries to shut reactors or suspend projects.

Orano said last year it would invest in increasing production capacity at its uranium enrichment facility in southern France, largely to meet demand from its U.S. clients. The expansion would help to reduce the risk of any halt in supplies from Russia's Rosatom, which provides about 30% of the West's enriched uranium, according to Orano.

Orano mines raw uranium in Canada, Kazakhstan and Niger. Its enrichment facility in France accounts for 12% of the global capacity.

Rosatom accounts for 43% while European group Urenco accounts for 31%.

Other companies that could help build U.S. uranium supply are Centrus Energy LEU.A which launched a plant in Ohio late last year to produce high-assay, low-enriched uranium (HALEU) fuel required for some next-generation reactors, Urenco, and Global Laser Enrichment, LLC.

In July, the United States issued some waivers to its ban on Russian imports "to ensure there are no disruptions to the operation of US reactors as a result of the ban," the Energy Department said then. But the waivers end in 2028, after which the United States is expected to get enriched uranium from sources other than Russia.

Reporting by Timothy Gardner in Washington and Benjamin Mallet in Paris; Editing by David Gregorio and Emelia Sithole-Matarise


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