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EU's von der Leyen vows defence push, climate continuity in bid for second term

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European Commission chief von der Leyen seeks second term

Von der Leyen promises new air and cyber defence projects

Commission chief vows to stick to climate targets

Lawmakers vote on her candidacy later in day

EU could face political deadlock if she is not approved

Re-leads with von der Leyen speech, programme

By Kate Abnett and Marta Fiorin

STRASBOURG, July 18 (Reuters) - European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen vowed on Thursday to create a "European Defence Union" and to stay the course on Europe's green transition while cushioning its burden on industry as she pitched for a second term.

Addressing the European Parliament in Strasbourg, von der Leyen laid out a programme focused on prosperity and security as she sought backing from lawmakers for another five-year term in charge of the European Union's powerful executive body.

"The next five years will define Europe’s place in the world for the next five decades. It will decide whether we shape our own future or let it be shaped by events or by others," she said ahead of a secret ballot on her candidacy later in the day.

After pledging to support Ukraine for as long as it takes in its fight against Russia's invasion, von der Leyen said Europe's liberty was at stake and it must invest more in defence.

Von der Leyen, a former German defence minister, pledged to create " a true European Defence Union ", with flagship projects on air and cyber defence.

She also blasted Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's recent visit to Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow an " appeasement mission ", winning broad applause from lawmakers.

Defence policy in Europe has traditionally been the domain of national governments and NATO.

But following Russia's attack on Ukraine and amid uncertainty over how much Europe will be able to rely on the United States for its protection, the European Commission is seeking to push more joint European defence projects.

She also pledged to stick to the goals set out in the European Green Deal, a climate package that was one of the main policies of her first term.

She promised a raft of climate policies including a legally-binding EU target to cut emissions 90% by 2040.

She also pledged new measures to help European industries stay competitive while they invest in curbing emissions.


Some EU officials told Reuters von der Leyen's new programme boded well for the vote - particularly, for its promise not to weaken climate measures, which could win over wavering Green lawmakers whose votes von der Leyen has courted in recent weeks to help her secure a comfortable majority.

She might also win some votes from the far-right side of the legislature by promising tighter EU border controls and stronger police cooperation against crime.

The vote will determine if there is continuity in the European Union's key institution at a time of external and internal challenges - including mounting support for far-right and eurosceptic political parties across the 27-nation bloc.

With no obvious alternative candidate, von der Leyen's supporters have framed the vote as a choice between stability and chaos, as her rejection would create political deadlock.

In her first term, she oversaw the world's biggest package of climate change policies, an 800-billion-euro ($875 billion) EU response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and 14 rounds of sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.

Even among her critics, there is little appetite to create a leadership vacuum in Europe months ahead of November's U.S. Presidential election, where a victory for Republican Donald Trump could upend western unity on supporting Ukraine.

Von der Leyen, a mother of seven and the first woman to head the Commission, needs support from at least 361 lawmakers in the 720-member EU Parliament.

The three centrist groups expected to support her have a total of 401 lawmakers. But some are expected to defect and oppose her in the secret ballot.

To pass comfortably, she may need support from parts of the 78-strong European Conservatives and Reformists group (ECR) or the Greens' 53 lawmakers.

EU lawmakers cast their ballots at 1 p.m. (1100 GMT).

If von der Leyen fails, EU country leaders will have one month to suggest another candidate - likely delaying the launch of the new European Commission, which is responsible for proposing new EU policies, until 2025.

Additional reporting by Phil BLenkinsop, Andrew Gray, Foo Yun Chee, Jan Strupczewski, Marine Strauss, Bart Meijer; Reporting by Kate Abnett; Editing by Kirsten Donovan


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