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Eurazeo eyes 750 mln euros for new planetary boundaries fund

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Company corrects first paragraph to show fund is targeting at least 750 mln euros, not up to 750 mln euros

Fund to focus on small, mid-market companies

Former Canada climate minister among advisers

20% of carried interest to be linked to impact

By Simon Jessop

LONDON, May 23 (Reuters) -French private equity investor Eurazeo EURA.PA plans to raise at least 750 million euros ($813.08 million) for an impact-focused buyout fund targeting companies helping the world operate within its ecological limits, an executive told Reuters.

The Eurazeo Planetary Boundaries Fund is based on the scientific concept of 'planetary boundaries', which define thresholds on everything from pollution to biodiversity loss within which the world must remain to be habitable.

Using the scientific criteria as a guide, the fund will invest in small and mid-market companies focused on the regenerative and circular economy or which are helping the world transition and adapt to a climate-friendly future.

Primarily investing in firms based in Europe, the fund will focus on sectors including agriculture, waste and low-carbon energy, and 20% of the fund's carried interest - the share of profits paid to the fund manager - would be linked to achieving portfolio level impact.

The fund's launch comes as companies and the broader economy in Europe begin the move to a more circular economy, where less materials are used and more are reused or recycled.

That shift, part of the European Union's efforts to meet its climate goals, is now starting to come through in the form of tighter rules around water usage, textiles, plastics and packaging, Managing Partner Sophie Flak said.

"Companies and the economy are finally ready for it," Flak said. "We are seeing some small and mid-size companies which have products, services or technology which are addressing the planetary boundaries."

"They need money and expertise to scale and become champions," she added, citing the example of a firm that has developed technology to line water pipes and reduce leakage.

The fund will also be supported by an advisory board of sustainability experts including the former head of the European Environment Agency, Hans Bruyninckx; and Catherine McKenna, Canada's former minister of environment and climate change.

Others on the board include Club of Rome Co-President Sandrine Dixson-Decleve, L'Oreal's former sustainable innovation director Lauren Gilbert, and IKEA's former head of sustainability Pia Heidenmark Cook.

The board would advise on the fund methodology and impact of potential investments against each of the nine planetary boundaries, as well as help attract investors to the fund, Flak said. Impact and financial performance would be assessed yearly.

After investing, the fund would spend 12-18 months analysing each before agreeing a binding progress plan with management, Flak said.

($1 = 0.9224 euros)

Reporting by Simon Jessop; Editing by Sonali Paul


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