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Electra.aero picks ex-Boeing executive Marc Allen as CEO

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By Tim Hepher

PARIS, Aug 29 (Reuters) -Lockheed-backed Electra.aero has appointed former Boeing executive Marc Allen as chief executive as it seeks to deliver on plans to develop hybrid-electric planes capable of operating from soccer-field-length runways.

The Virginia-based startup, whose investors include Lockheed Martin Ventures, is developing a nine-passenger eSTOL or electrically powered Short Take-Off and Landing aircraft, and carried out the first flight of a demonstrator called Goldfinch in November.

Backers include the U.S. Air Force’s Agility Prime programme, designed to promote novel forms of vertical lift for military purposes.

“The possibilities include movement of personnel and materiel and also providing power generation in austere environments,” Allen told Reuters.

“You get opportunities to operate purely on a battery so you can get into communities without the noise associated with aviation. That has obvious implications on the civil side and on the defence side.”

Allen stepped down as Boeing's chief strategy officer at the end of 2023 as the U.S. planemaker pared down its strategy arm under former CEO Dave Calhoun.

He spearheaded Boeing’s efforts to acquire the planemaking arm of Brazil's Embraer EMBR3.SA, which were abandoned during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, and helped oversee a marathon trade spat with Airbus AIR.PA over subsidies.

Now, he joins a small number of companies focusing on hybrid-electric or battery-powered flight in a category sitting between helicopters and the crowded eVTOL or flying taxi market below, and larger regional airplanes above.

Allen said Electra.aero aimed to carve out a specific set of civil or military missions based on ultra-short landing strips coupled with the simplicity of a fixed wing aircraft.

“If you are just going to take Jet A (kerosene) on in a head-to-head contest, you are going to lose. The thesis at Electra is that it only makes sense to introduce this novel distributed electric propulsion system if it can do something that you couldn’t otherwise do,” he said in an interview.

“A totally different set of missions that opens up. You can fly goods between warehouses without ever trucking the goods to the airport. You can just land in the parking lot.”

Electra.aero aims to certify its aircraft under general aviation rules in 2028. Allen said it was comfortable about certification but acknowledged significant challenges ahead.

“For a young company to get itself off the ground and build a production system ... is super hard, and along the way we have got to certify the airplane,” he said.

Allen is the latest executive from the traditional aerospace sector to take senior roles in the emerging electric aviation industry after former Embraer and GE executive John Slattery joined Sweden’s Heart Aerospace as chairman.

France’s Safran Helicopter Engines SAF.PA last year signed an agreement with Electra to develop an electric turbogenerator propulsion system

Reporting by Tim Hepher; Editing by Dominique Vidalon and Mark Potter


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