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Eight US House of Representatives races to watch in 2024

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Updates with Arizona results not yet being called

WASHINGTON, July 31 (Reuters) -Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives will defend a narrow majority in the Nov. 5 elections. Below are some of the races to watch as Republicans and Democrats battle through 2024 for control of the chamber.

Arizona voters voted in party primaries on Tuesday.


In Arizona's 1st District, Republican Representative David Schweikert, who was first elected in 2010, is considered one of the Democrats' top targets. Schweikert narrowly won his reelection bid in 2022.

Among the half-dozen Democrats in the race to take him on are Conor O'Callaghan, a first-time candidate who works in finance, Andrei Cherny, a former White House speechwriter under President Bill Clinton and former state party chair, and Amish Shah, a doctor and state lawmaker.

In a nearby district, Arizona Democrats also voted tochoose a likely successor to Representative Ruben Gallego, who has vacated his Phoenix-area seat to run for the U.S. Senate. Yassamin Ansari, a city councillor, and Raquel ​​Teran, a former state lawmaker and state party chair, are two top contenders.

Republicans voted onthe candidate likely to succeed retiringRepresentative Debbie Lesko in the state's 8th district, considered a safe seat for the party in November's election. Blake Masters, who made an unsuccessful run in Arizona's U.S. Senate election in 2022, is locked in a tight race against Abe Hamadeh, who lost a race for Arizona state attorney general in the same year.

The results for all three races had not yet been called as of Wednesday morning.


Washington's primaries will be held on Aug. 6.

First-term Democratic Representative Marie Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington state made headlines in 2022 by edging out her opponent by 1 percentage point in that year's general election, flipping a Republican seat.

This year Joe Kent, who was Gluesenkamp Perez's opponent in 2022 and who was endorsed by the state Republican Party in August, is hoping for a rematch. Kent has challenged the results of the 2020 election and raised conspiracy theories about the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Also seeking the Republican nomination is Leslie Lewallen, a former prosecutor and member of a local city council.


Republican lawmaker Mike Gallagher, who had been considered a rising star in his party, retired from Congress on April 25.

Wisconsin scheduled a special election to fill Gallagher's seat through the end of his term for Nov. 5, the same day as the general election. A primary for the seat is scheduled for Aug. 13.

So far, five people have filed to replace Gallagher in the general election: three Republicans and two Democrats. They include a state lawmaker, a former state Senate president and an obstetrician/gynecologist.

It is considered a safe seat for Republicans.


Representative Jamaal Bowman became the first member of the left-wing "Squad" of House Democrats to lose his seat, after he was ousted by George Latimer, a centrist with deep roots in the district in New York City's northern suburbs.

Liberal groups have decried the heavy spending by pro-Israel groups on attack ads against Bowman, an outspoken critic of Israel's conduct in the war in Gaza. Bowman also battled negative publicity after pleading guilty to misdemeanor charges after he pulled a fire alarm ahead of a vote in Congress last year.

Latimer, who serves as the top local official in Westchester County, portrayed Bowman as too outspoken for the affluent suburban district and criticized his vote against Democratic President Joe Biden's infrastructure bill.

The seat is considered safely Democratic.

Pro-Israel groups are expected to try next to unseat fellow "Squad" member Cori Bush, who faces an Aug. 6 primary challenge from prosecutor Wesley Bell in her St. Louis, Missouri, district.


Former CNN journalist John Avlon won the Democratic nomination to take on Republican Representative Nick LaLota in a district covering a number of suburbs of New York City. Democrats are aiming to seize back several districts in that state in their quest to recapture the House majority.

Republican George Santos, who was expelled from Congress in December after being indicted over corruption charges, ended his long-shot independent bid to unseat LaLota in April.


Firebrand conservative Lauren Boebert easily won a crowded Republican primary in Colorado's 4th District in June after switching from the 3rd District, where she faced a tough primary opponent.

The seat in the 4th district is currently vacant, as incumbent Republican Ken Buck left Congress before his two-year term was up.

Greg Lopez, a Republican former mayor, won thespecial election to serve out the remainder of Buck's term but will not run in November.

The seat is considered safely Republican.


Bob Good, the head of the far-right House Freedom Caucus, lost his Virginia seat in July due to a primary challenge from former Navy SEAL John McGuire.

Good made some powerful enemies when he endorsed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in the Republican presidential primary and was among the eight House Republicans who voted to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and McCarthy threw their weight behind McGuire.

The district is considered safely Republican.


Michael Rulli, a Republican state senator, won a June 11 special election to replace Representative Bill Johnson of Ohio against Michael Kripchak, a Democrat who worked in the entertainment industry before co-founding an electronic signal location tracking company, in a June 11 special election.

Johnson had stepped down to head Youngstown State University, leaving voters in his district to choose candidates to hold the seat through the rest of the term and also in the general election.

Rulli and Kripchak will again face off in November's general election.

The district is heavily Republican.

Reporting by Makini Brice and Moira Warburton
Editing by Andy Sullivan, Scott Malone, Jonathan Oatis, Chizu Nomiyama, Daniel Wallis and Deepa Babington


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