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Crown, zloty seen rebounding in six months, forint expected to tread water

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By Anita Komuves and Alan Charlish

BUDAPEST, July 3 (Reuters) -The Czech crown and the Polish zloty are likely to recoup recent losses over the next six months, while the Hungarian forint is expected to add to its recent losses as the most vulnerable currency in the CEE region, a Reuters poll showed on Wednesday.

Analysts anticipatethe Czech crown EURCZK= adding 1.5% over the next six months from Monday's closing levels to a median forecast of 24.8 per euro as analysts expect it to be one of the best performer among its CEE peers.

The crown fell to its lowest since late April on Tuesday as the central bank delivered a surprise 50-basis-point cut to its key two-week repo rate on Thursday, on the sharper end of expectations.

The crown is down about 2% since the start of 2024.

"The June 50bps cut will get the koruna to weaker levels. Slower pace of rate reduction thereafter will bring the koruna back to trend of appreciation," David Havrlant of ING wrote.

In Hungary, the poll predictedthe forint EURHUF= easing around 0.1% from Monday's levels over the next half-year, to 395 per euro, a more pessimistic forecast than the 393.0 in a June poll.

The forint fell to a three-month low of 398.75 versus the euro on June 14 and was the worst performer in central Europe as it has lost around 3% so far this year.

In June the National Bank of Hungary (NBH) cut its base rate by 25 basis points to 7.00% and said the scope for more cuts in 2024 was extremely narrow.

The NBH did not, however, rule out more easing, a move which traders and analysts have said would have been needed to significantly help the forint.

Currencies in central Europe were also pressured last month by a stronger dollar and a snap election in France which added to geopolitical uncertainties.

"Recent events proved the forint is still a high-beta currency... as soon as global volatility rises, the mood sours, or there are some country-specific factors, it starts weakening," saidMariann Trippon, ananalyst at CIB Bank.

The median forecast in the poll put the Polish zloty EURPLN= at 4.25 per euro in six months, 1.56% stronger than Monday's close.

Poland's central bank has held interest rates steady since cuts in September and October. That pause has helped the zloty outperform peers as the Czech and Hungarian central banks have continued to ease policy since then.

The National Bank of Poland is scheduled to hold a meeting later on Wednesday, where a Reuters poll of analysts expect the base rate to remain unchanged.

(For other stories from the July Reuters foreign exchange poll: nL4N3IM0R6)

Reporting by Anita Komuves in Budapest, polling by Alan Charlish in Warsaw; Editing by Josie Kao


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