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China looks to the little guy for spending boost

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own. Updates to add chart.

By Chan Ka Sing

HONG KONG, July 31 (Reuters Breakingviews) -According to Mao Zedong, the Chinese Communist Party’s real strength comes from the masses. The People’s Republic is now turning to its humble grassroots to boost consumption. Yet these policies will unlikely deliver the immediate growth policymakers and investors are looking for.

Beijing again signalled a sense of urgency to revive the $17 trillion economy on Tuesday, when the Politburo, a top decision-making body, convened to set out priorities for the second half of the year to meet its roughly 5% GDP growth target for 2024. Notably, it called for policies that would increase wagesand enhance the "capacity and willingness" of low- and middle-income groups to spend, according to a meeting summary reported by official news agency Xinhua. The Chinese middle class, estimates a separate state-owned newspaper, surpassed 500 million people this year.

Details are lacking, but the overall message is sensible. One way to cajole savers to spend more would be to raise the minimum wage, which ranges from as low as 1,650 yuan ($228) in Lhasa to 2,690 yuan in Shanghai. At the same time, officials during the recent Third Plenum meeting have hinted at higher taxes for the wealthy, including on a broader range of luxury items. Combined, those policies could encourage domestic spending while giving cash-strapped local governments more stable sources of revenue.

The catch is that these reforms will take time. Beijing is embarking on an ambitious economic transition away from its investment-led growth model. That would require the government to allocate more resources from the state to households. Instead of pouring money into mega infrastructure projects, for instance, the government may spend more on elderly and child care, pensions and affordable housing.

Still, the most pressing concern in the world's second largest economy is the current slump. Second-quarter growth slowed to a worse-than-expected 4.7% while retail sales and imports underperformed industrial output and exports. To this end, the central government will have to keep doing the fiscal heavy-lifting. It will probably have to offer more financial support to local governments to fund affordable housing projects, for starters.Beijing will have to open up its wallet until the masses do.


The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on July 30 to analyse the current economic situation and set out priorities for the second half of 2024, Xinhua news agency reported.

The 25-member, top decision-making body has called for policies to promote consumption, increase residents’ income “through multiple channels”, and enhance the “capacity and willingness” of low- and middle-income groups to spend.

Graphic: China's economic growth is slowing China's economic growth is slowing https://reut.rs/3SbsgAD

Editing by Robyn Mak and Ujjaini Dutta


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