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French luxury’s China pain may be more evenly felt

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.

By Pierre Briancon

LONDON, July 24 (Reuters Breakingviews) -France’s luxury Big 3 fear catching “a stray bullet” if the scuffle between the European Union and China over electric car subsidies escalates. With growth at $360 billion LVMH LVMH.PA, $230 billion Hermès International HRMS.PA and $40 billion Kering PRTP.PA subdued in the first half of the year, that shouldn’t be their only concern. And Hermès, the most dependent of the three on Chinese sales, may occupy an unfamiliar position at the head of the firing line.

The share prices of Hermès, LVMH and Gucci owner Kering have tanked by 20%, 12% and 25% respectively since March. That marked the end of a long post-pandemic boom in which some top lines expanded at a double-digit annual clip. Louis Vuitton bags and Dior fashion owner LVMH grew sales 13% in 2023. On Tuesday it said that revenue had shrunk by 1% in the first half of the year, including a 2% fall at the fashion and leather goods unit that accounts for about half the group’s sales.

The rest of the year doesn’t look much better for the three French groups. Hermès, which booked 47% of its sales last year in the region described as Asia excluding Japan, looks more exposed. Comparable numbers for LVMH and Kering are 31% and 35%, respectively. Beijing has acknowledged it needs to act to boost growth back to previous 6% or more annual rates. But the nature and amplitude of the stimulus remain unclear after the Communist Party’s latest plenum.

LVMH, maker of Hennessy cognac, might be the first hit if Beijing gets serious on its threat to tax French brandy in response to EU EV tariffs. But Bernard Arnault’s group will not be the only casualty, because the threat isn’t just about tariffs. Risks include the ongoing campaign of luxury shame by the ruling Communist Party, which has revived the 1950s Maoist concept of “common prosperity” to promote the virtues of restraint and modesty, frowning upon the flaunting of wealth and aspirational spending.

Here, Hermès may be vulnerable. In the past, the maker of timeless high-end leather goods such as the Birkin bag could rely on rich customers to keep buying their wares even amid slower growth that hobbled consumers fare sold by Kering. But if luxury itself is in the spotlight, the group may have a problem.

Hermès still sported a 42% operating margin in 2023, far ahead of LVMH’s 23% and Kering’s 24%, and this discrepancy of operating performances may persist in the second half of this year, Jefferies analysts noted. But investors could start reflecting on the valuation of the Big 3, and wonder whether Hermès should trade at 44 times forward earnings — or even LVMH at 22 times — without the growth rates those multiples imply.

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Shares in French luxury giant LVMH were down by more than 6% on July 24 after the world’s largest luxury group the day before announced second-quarter sales that missed consensus estimates.

The conglomerate that encompasses Louis Vuitton bags, the Dior fashion house and Moet & Chandon champagne reported its quarterly sales rose 1% year on year to 20.98 billion euros, undershooting the 21.6 billion expected by analysts polled by LSEG.

The earnings miss also weighed on other luxury stocks, with Hermès International down around 3% and Kering off by more than 4%.

Total returns of France's luxury Big 3 since the end of Covid

Editing by George Hay and Streisand Neto


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